when wycked sprites ware gathered to gether intending to sende devills
in to the hartts off men to the entente thay wolde dystroy all thinges
profytable ffor mankynde and to corrupte all the whole worlde even to the
uttermost off there powr sowing ipocrysye and envy and rooting bysshops
and prelates in pryde even the pope him selfe and his cardenalles which
gathering them selves to gether sayde won to another as here folowethe
the helth which the lorde hathe gevin his people is now through magecke
and negromancy turned in to the damnacyon of all people, for even the magyans
them selves being intoxycated and blynded by the devill, and contrary to
the order of christes churche and transgressing the commandement of god,
which dothe saye thow shalte not tempe the lorde thy god, but him only
shalte yu serve, but these negromancers or magyans denying the sacryfyce
dew unto god and inn tempting him hathe donne sacryfyce unto devills and
abused his name in calling of them contrary to the profession made at there
for there it is sayd: for sake the devill and all his pompes, but thes
magyans and negromancers dothe nott follow only the pompes and workes of
sathan but hathe also brought all people through there mervelus ellusyons
in to ye errors drowing the ignorant and suche lyke in to the damnasyon
bothe of sowle and body, and they thinkinge this for no other purpose but
that by this they shulde destroye all other scyences, it is thought rite
therfore to plucke up and utterly to dystroy this dedly roote and all the
followers of this arte, but they throughe the instygasyon off the devill
and being moved wt envy and covetusnes under the simylytude of truthe they
did publyshe and spred abrode ye falshed speking false and unlykely things,
for it is nott possible yt a wiched and unclen man shulde work trwly in
this arte, for men are not bownde unto sprites, but the sprites are constrayned
agaynst yr wills to answere men yt be clensed or clene, and to fulfill
there requestes, yet agaynst all yos willes we have gone abowt to set forrthe
the princyples of this arte
and ye cause of truthe, and for that cause thay had condemned this arte
and judged hus to dethe.
we therfore throughe godes sufferance having a fore knoledge of that
judgement knowing also yt by it shulde folow miche mischefe and yt it was
impossible to us to scape the handes of the people by owre owne strengthe
wt owt the helpe of sprites dowting yt a greter danger would folow upon
it, for the wicked power of the sprites att owre commandement wolde have
destroyed them all utterly in on, wherfore we called on generall counsell
off all the masters in the which counsell of *811* masters which camme
owte of naples athence and tholetus we dyd chuse on whose name was honorius
the sonne of eucludus master of the thebares in the which cytye this art
was redd yt he shulde worke for us in this sayde arte, and he throughe
the counsell of a certayne angell whose name was hocroel dyd wryte *7*
volumes of arte magicke, geving unto hus the kernel and unto others the
shalles owt of the which bookes he druu owt *93* chapiters in the which
is bryffely contayned
the effecte off this arte, off the which, chapters he made a booke which
we doo call the sacred or sworne booke for this cause, for in it is contayned
ye *100* sacred names of god and therfor it is callyd sacred as ye would
saye made of holy thinges, or elles be cause by this booke he came to the
knowledge of sacred or holy things, or elles be cause it was consecrated
of angells, or elles be cause the angell hocroell did declare and show
unto him yt it was consecrated of god, then they princes & prelates
being pacefyed wt burning of certen fables or tryffles, thought verely
this arte had bin utterly destroyed, and therfore we being somwhate moved
made this othe amounge oure selves, first yt this book shulde be delyveryd
to no man untyll suche tyme as the master of the arte were in jeoberdye
of dethe and yt it shulde be copyed but unto *3* att the most, and yt it
shulde be delyveryd to no woman nor to any man excepte he were off lawfull
aghe which shulde also be both godely and faythfull whose godely behaver
had bin tryed by the space of a whole yere, and yt this booke shulde no
more here after
be destroyed, but yt it shulde be restored agayne to ye honore or to
his successors, and yf there cane nott be founde an able and a sufficyent
man to whome this booke nighte be delyveryd, yt then the master bynde his
executors by a stronge othe to bury it withe him in his grave, or ells
he shall him selfe whyle he liveth bury it him selfe, in some place honestely
and clenly, and newer affter to revele the place by any curcumstances to
any creature, and yf the master shall have nide of any scollers or will
prove then any man of wayes yt for to fulfyll his commaundenentes yff nide
be they shall even suffer dethe rather then they will declare ayther the
sayinges or doinges of there master, or yt he knoweth any suche thinges,
nor declare any suche thing by any man of surcumstances. and lyke as a
father dothe cause on of his sonnes to love another, even so doth the master
unytte and kintt together his discyples or schollers in concorde and love
so yt alwayes the on shall helpe to bayre the others burthen, nor on shall
nott revele the secretes of a nother, but they shall be faythfull off on
mynde and concorde, and he yt
he shall trewly performe observe and kepe every artycle off his othe
and for this cause this is calyd the sworne booke:
(*ffinis prologu */*/*/*/*/*
in the name off the almighty god ye lorde jesus
christ the trew living god. i honoryus have thus appoined in my booke the
workes of salomon i have first apoynted the chapters yt it maye be the
more playne */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
heare be geneth the chapters of the first worke)
the first chapter is of the composyssyon of the great name of god which
the hebrues call sememphoras which dothe consyst of *72* h. t. o. e. r.
o. r. a. b. a. l. a. y. q. c. l. y. s. t. a. l. g. a. a. o. w. o. s. v.
l. a. r. y. t. c. e. k. r. p. f. y. o. m. e. m. a. n. a. r. e. l. a. t.
e. v. a. t. o. n. o. n. a. o. y. l. e. o. t. s. y. n. a. letters which
is the beginning in this arte
the *2* chapter is of the visyon of the deytey,
the *3* of the knowledge off the devyne power,
the *4* of the for gyuenes off synnes,
the *5* that a man shuld nott fall into dedely sine,
the *6* of the redemsyon off *3* sowlles out of purgatorye */*/*/*/*/*/*/*
the chapters off the .2. worke */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
the *7* chapter is off the knowledge off the heavens,
the *8* to know the angells off every heaven
the *9* to know every angell his name and his power,
the *10* to know the seales off every angel,
the *11*to know under whome every angel is,
the *12*to know the offyce of every angell,
the *13* of the invocatyon of every angell and of his company,
the *14* how a man shude obteyne his will by every angell,
the *15* to obtayne all scyences,
the *16* to know the hower of dethe,
the *17* to know all thinges present past and to comme,
the *18* to know the planetts and the starres,
the *19* to know the vertu of the planetts and starres and there influences,
the *20* to alter or chaunge ye influence of the planetts and starres,
the *21* to change the daye in to nighte and the nighte in to ye daye,
the *22* to know the sprites of the ayre,
the *23* to know the sprites of the fyer, and there names and there superyors,
there seales power and vertu,
the *24* to know the names and ye powers off the higher sprites,
the *25* to know there seales,
the *26* to know the alteratyon and changing of the elymentes and of the
bodyes that be mixte of them,
the *27* to know all herbes,
plantes, and bestes being upon the earthe and of there vertues,
the *28* of the knoledge off the nature of man and of all his dyedes and
his thoughtes,
the *29* to know the sprites of the water and there vertuse and there superyors,
the *30* to know the erthely sprrites and infernalles,
the *31* of the sighte of purgatorye and hell and the sowlles there being,
the *32* off the bond or oblygasyon yt the sowle and bodye shall returne
the *33* of ye consecrating off this book */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
ffinis of the chapters of the secode worke */*/*/*
the chapters of the *3* worke */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
the *34* of the constrinksyon of sprites by wordes,
the *35* of the consthinksyon of sprites by seales,
the *36* of the constrinckesyon of sprites by tables,
the *37* to give every sprite his shape,
the *38* off inclosing of sprites,
the *39* off a sprite yt is inclosed yt he maye answere or nott,
the *40* to cause thunder and lightening,
the *41* off burning to be made,
the *42* of the powrging of they ayer,
the *43* off ye corruptyon of the ayer,
the *44* to cause snow
and yse,
the *45* off dewes rayne,
the *46* to cause flowers and frutes,
the *47* to go invysybbe,
the *48* off a horse,
the *49* to bringe agayne a man that is gone saffe in an hower,
the *50* to have a thing carryed whether thow willte in a moment,
the *51* to take a waye a thinge,
the *52* to bringe a thinge agayne,
the *53* to change the shape of every thinge,
the *54* to make a fludde in a dry grounde,
the *55* to make a commotyon att thy preasure,
the *56* to distroy a kingdone or an empyre,
the *57* to have power over every man,
the *58* to have a *1000* armed men,
the *59* to forme a castell yt shall never be dystroyed,
the *60* to make a wicked glasse,
the *61* to destroye a place or a holde by a wicked glasse,
the *62* off a glasse wherin thow shalte se the whole worlde,
the *63* to bringe agayne a thiffe which yt he hathe stollen,
the *64* to open lockes,
the *65* to cause discorde and debate,
the *66* to cause unyte and concorde,
the *67* to have the favor of everybodye,
the *68* to obtayne or gett rytches,
the *69* to
hele all man of disseses,
the *70* to cast in to sickenes whome ye will,
the *71* to kill whome ye will,
the *72* to cause danger bothe by se and lande,
the *73* to delyn a shipe yt is stopped in the sea by the adamaint stone,
the *74* to avoyde all man of dangers,
the *75* to gayther byrdes together and to take them,
the *76* to gether fysshes together and to take them,
*77* to gather wylde bestes to gether and to take them,
the *78* to cawse warre amonge fysshes fowlles and suche lyke,
the *79* to make burninge to apeyre,
the *80* to make juggelers or maydens singing to apeyre,
the *81* to make gardens or castells to apeyre,
the *82* to make fightinge men to apeyre,
the *83* to make gryphons and dragons to apeyre,
the *84* to make all wylde bests to appeyre,
the *85* to make hunters and there dogges to appeyre huntinge,
the *86* to make a man to thinke he is in a place where he is nott,
the *87* to make all pleasures to appeyre */*/*/*/*
ffinis of the chapters of the *3* worke */*/*/*/*/*
the chapters off the *4* worke */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
the *88* to delyur them yt be in pryson,
the *89* to locke a gayne the gattes of the castell,
the *90* to haue all treasures mettalls pressyns stones and all other thinges
hyd in the grounde,
the *91* off the appeyring off ded bodyes that thay seme to aryse agayne
and to speke,
the *92* that ye shulde thinke beastes to appeyre created agayne off the
earth but these *2* chapters haue we takyn awaye be cause they be agaynst
the will of god.
thus endeth the nottes off all the chapters */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
here beginnithe the booke */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
we therfore thorow godes helpe intendinge to folow the stepps and precepes
of salomon, therfore to thy receyuing of suche an highe misterye we prefess
to be oone chiffe princyple or begininge. note therfore that the first
and chiffe princyple or begininge is the devyne maiestye, and the trew
invocatyon must cume frome the very faythe of the harte, the which faythe
the workes shall declare,
ffor salomon sayde there is one only god one mighte, or power, oone
faythe, of whome oone worke, oone princyple or begininge, and of whome
the prefectyon and effecte of every worke dothe comme althoughe this be
deuyded into many parts, ffor lyke as all the holle partes doo saver and
smel of the body even to lyke wyse dothe of these thinges comme all perfectyon
and effect */*/*/*
in the name therfore of the true and lyuing gode which is alpha et omega
ye beginninge and the ending which is the father the sonne, and the holy
gost *3* persones and on god the gyuer off lyffe and the destroyer off
dethe for he destroyed oure dethe and thrughe his resurrectyon restored
us agayne to lyffe */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
off the makinge off the seale of god, for the knowledge of the first
parte, of the knowledge of the deytye, for the knowledge of ye *2* parte.
in ye *3* parte of the vysyon of angells, the *4* of ye constrinkesyon,
the *5* parte off the bownde of deadmen */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
off angels there are *3* kyndes */*/*/*/*/*
some be celestyall, and some of the ayre and some be of the earthe.
off the celestyall there are also *2* kyndes somme of them doo serve god
only and those be the *9* orders of angells that is to saye cherubin, and
seraphin, trons, domynatyons, vertuse, princypates, and potestates, arkangells
and angells off whome it is to be spoken amounge mortall men, for they
will not be constrayned by any artyfysyall powr, and therfore they oughte
nott to be invocated for they alwayes stande before the deuyne maiestye
and are neuer seperated from his presens yet be cause the sowle of man
was created with theme and to there lykeness, lookinge to be rewardyd with
them maye through the gyfte and grace of god his bodye yet lyuing beholde
the deuyne maiestye, and with them to prayse and to know god ye creator,
and this knowledge is nott to know god in his magestye
and power but ever as adame and the prophettes dyd know him,
but this is princypally to be noted that there are *3* kyndes off men
yt worke in this arte jwes, christyans and pagans, the pagans doo sacryfyce
to the sprites of the ayre and of the earthe but they doo nott constrayne
or bynde them, but the sprites doo fayne them selves to be bownde by the
wordes of there law, to the intent they maye make them to committ idoletrye,
and neuer turne to the true faythe, and by cause there faythe is nought
therfore there workes be nawght, he yt will worke after yt man must forsake
the lyuing god, and must doo sacryfyce unto sprites and idolles for it
is faythe that worketh in a man good or euill, wherfore it is sayde in
the gospell ye faythe hathe made the saffe, the jwes doo in no wyse worke
to obtayne the visyon of the deytye, for by the comminge of christe they
lost there prehemynence nor they can nott comme to heauen, for the lorde
dothe saye
he that is nott baptysed shall be damned, and so in all angells they
worke imperfectly, nor they canontt throughe there inuocatyons bringe any
worke to effecte excepte they be liue in christe. ffor it is sayd by the
prophet, when the kinge of kinges and the lorde of lordes is cume then
shall youre anoyntinge cease which shulde neuer haue ceasyd yf they cowlde
haue wroughte effectually by this arte, and so there workes are noughte,
and althoughe the jwes in that yy are jwes are condemnyd of yet they doo
worship the highe creator but nott after a dew sorte, yet thorow the powr
of the holy names of god spirrites are constrayned to comme. but jwes be
cause they are nott signed wt the signe of god that is to saye with the
signe of the crosse therfore they sprites will not answere them trewly,
therfore the christyan man only dothe worke trewly to cum to the vysyon
of the deyte, and in all other workes. and althoughe *3* sortes of men
doo worke by this arte magyke, yet
it is nott to be thoughte yt there is any euill in this name magyan,
for this same name magyan dothe signefy in the grike twunge a philosopher,
and in the hebru twunge a scrybe, and in the latten twunge it signefyeth
wyse and so this name of arte magyke is compownded of this worde magos
wiche is as muche to saye as wyse and of ycos wiche by interpretasyon is
knowledge for by it a man is made wyse, for by this arte a man maye know
thinges present past and to come */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
here folowithe the makinge off the seale off the trwe and lyuinge god
Primo fac unum circulum cuius diameter sic trium digitorum propter tres
clauos domini, vel *5* propter *5* plagas, vel *7* propter *7* sacramenta,
vel *9* propter *9* ordines angelorum, sed communiter *5* digitorum fieri
solet.[1] Deinde infra illum
circulum fac alium circulum a primo distantem duobus granis ordei propter
duas tabulas moysi,
vel distantem a primo tribus granis propter trinitatem parsonarm. Deinde
infra illos duos circulos in superiori parte quæ dicitur angulus
meridiei fac unam crucem, cuius tibia aliquantulum intrat circulum interiorem.
Deinde a parte dextra crucis scribe .h. aspirationem
deinde .t. deinde .o.
deinde .e. x . o. r. a. b. a. l. a. y. q. c
i. y. s. t. a. l. g. a. a. o. w [correction supra linea]. o. s. v. l. a.
r [sup. lin.: t]. y. t. c e. k. x [(sup. lin.): s]. p. f. y. o. m.
e. m. a. n a. r. e. l. a. t . e. v [(sup. lin.): t]. a. t. o. n. o. n.
a. o. y. l. e. [sup. lin. adds: p] o. t. s. y. m. a. et istæ
literæ sunt æque distantes, et circumdent circulum. eo
ordine quo sunt prenominatæ et sic magnum nomen domini
*72* literarum erit completum. hoc facto in medio circulorum scilicet in
centro fac unum pentagonum talem,
in cuius medio sit signum tau tale
et super illud signum scribe hoc nomen dei el, et sub nomine aliud nomen
dei sz .ely. isto modo
Deinde infra angulum superiorem pentagoni scribe istas duas litteras .l.h.
Et infra alium angulum dextrum .a.l. Et in
post istum .n.m. Deinde circa pentagonum
fac unum eptagonum cuius latus superius secundum sui medium contingat angulum
superiorem pentagoni ubi .l.h. scribebatur,
et in eodem latere eptagoni scribe hoc nomen scante angeli quod est satquiel.
Deinde in alio .samael. et in alio .raphael.
postea .anael. postea .michael.
postea .gabriel. et sic *7* latera eptagoni
sunt adimpleta, Deinde circa istum eptagonum predictum fac alium eptagonum
non quoquo modo factum prius sed taliter quod unum latus ipsius incarceret
latera alterius, Deinde fac alium eptagonum qualis prius fuit cuius anguli
*7* contingant angulos *7* eptagoni secundi quibus esse videtur. Hic tamen
eptagonus infra perdictum secundum concludetur, latus secundi eptagoni
supernudo et aliud subenudo, succedens subenudo ibit. et quæ
sequntur serie supereuntis et subeuntis alterutrum se habebunt, Deinde
in quolibet angulo secundi eptagoni una crux depingatur, Deinde
in illo latere secundi eptagoni quod transit ab ultimo angulo ad secundum
angulum eiusde~ in eadem parte quæ est super .casziel.
sillabe cuiusdam scaneti dei nominis scribatur, Ita quod hac sillaba .la.
scribatur in illo loco lateris perdicti qui est supra primam sillabam de
et hac sillaba .ya. in illo loco lateris qui
est supra ultimam sillabam eiusdem de casziel.
et hæc silliba .ly. in illo loco eiusdem
lateris qui est latus intersecans predictum latus et crucem secundi anguli
eiusdem, Deinde in latere illo quod tendit ab angulo primo eiusdem secundi
eptagoni ad tertium angulum eiusdem scribatur hoc nomen sanctum dei .narath.
ita quod hæc sillaba .na. scribatur
in illo loco eiusdeum lateris qui est supra primam sillabam de
et haec sillaba .ra. in illo loco qui est
supra ultimam eiusdem, et dua literae .t.h. in
illo loco qui est in eodem inter latus secans ipsum et crucem tertiam,
Deinde in illo latere eiusdem secundi eptagoni quod tendit .a.
tertio angulo eiusdem ad quartum eiusdem
scribatur hoc creatoris nomen sanctum quod dicitur .libarre.
ita quod hæc sillaba .ly. scribatur
supra primam sillabam, de .raphael. et haec
sillaba .bar. supra ultimam sillabam * eiusdem, et hæc sillaba .re.
in illo loco * eiusdem lateris qui est inter latus intersecans ipsum et
quintur angulum eiusdem secundi eptagoni, Deinde in illo latere eiusdem
secundi eptagoni quod est .a. quinta cruce
vsque ad ultimam scribatur hoc aliud sacrum creatoris nomen .libares.
ita quod hæc sillaba .ly. scribatur
in illo loco lateris qui est supra primam sillabam ipsius .michael.
et hæc sillaba .ba. in illo loco lateris
est supra ultimam sillabam eiusdem, et hæc sillaba .res.
in illo loco eiusdem lateris qui est inter latus intersecans ipsum et ultimam
crucem. Deinde in illo latere eiusdem secundi iptagoni quod vadit a secundo
angulo eiusdem secundi eptagoni ad quintum scribatur aliud sacrum nomen
dei halg. cum coniunctina ita quod coniuunctina
in illo loco eiusdem lateris scribatur quid est supra primam
sillabam de .samael. et hæc litera .ly.
in illo loco eiusdem lateris qui est supra ultimam eiusde~, et hæc
sillaba .alg. in loco eiusdem lateris qui
est inter latus intersecans ipsum et quartam crucem, Sed caue quod ra
coniunctina sic debet scribi et cum titulo intersecante propter timorem
dei malum volitum diuideutem, Deinde in illo latere eiusdem eptagoni tendente
a quarta cruce ad sextam scribatur hoc aliud sacrum dei nomen .veham.ita
quod hæc sillaba .ve. scribatur in illo
loco eiusdem lateris qui est supra primam sillabam de .anael.
et hæc litera .h. supra ultimam sillibam
et hæc sillabam .am. in illo loco eiusdem
lateris qui est latus secans ipsum et sextam crucem, Deinde in illo latere
quod tendit a sexto eiusdem secundi eptagoni ad primum angulum scribatur
hoc aliud sacrum dei nomen .yalgal. ita quod
hec litera .y. scribatur in alla eiusde~ lateris
qui est supra primam sillabam de .gabriel.
et hæc sillaba .al. super ultimam et
hæc sillaba .gal. in illo loco eiusdem
lateris qui est inter latus intersecans ipsum et primam
crucem, Deinde in medio latere primi et tertii eptagoni a dextris scribatur
in sequenti latere eiusdem tertii eptagoni a dextris hoc Nomen
[S: dvynas] et in alio .Gyram. et in
alio .Grani. [S2, S: Gram] et in alio
et in alio .Alpha. et
in alio. Deinde in alio spaciolo quod est sub secundi et tertii angulo
primo eptagonorum scribatur hoc nomen dei .el.
et in alio spaciolo quod est a dextris sub angulis secundi et tertii eptagonorum
sub secunda cruce hoc nomen .ON. et in
alio spaciolo sub tertia cruce. itarum hoc nomen .el.
et in alio sub quarta cruce iterum .ON. et
in alio sub sequenti cruce iterum .el. et
in alio sub sequenti cruce iterum
.ON. et
in alio sub septima cruce .
Deinde in alio spacio quod clauditur inter angulum secundi eptagoni et
secundum angulum eiusdem et primum latus tertii eptagoni et portionem circuli
contingentem illos angulos depingatur una crux, in medio scilicet spacii
illius. Et in bucca superiori a leua crucis scribatur hæc litera
super buccam crucis secundam a dextris
hæc litera .g. Et sub bucca inferiori
a dextris scribatur hæc litera .a. Et
sub quarta bucca hæc litera .l. Deinde
in alio spaciolo sequenti a dextris in medio scribatur hoc nomen dei .ely.
in alio hoc nomen .eloy.
et in alio
et in alio .sother.
et in alio .ADONAI.
in alio .Saday.
Deinde scias quod communiter in exemplaribus pentagonus fit de rubeo
cum croceo in spaciis tincto. Et prim~ septagonus [hextagonus]
de azurio, secundus de croceo, tertius de purpureo, et circuli de nigro,
et spacium inter circulos ubi est nomen de maximum. ac venerabile
.schemhamphoras. tingitr croceo, omnia alio spacia viridi habent tingi,
Sed in operationibus aliter fieri debet, quia de sanguine aut. talpæ.
aut .turturis. at .vpupæ. aut .vespertilionis. aut omnium horum
figuratur, et in pergameo~ virgineo vituluio, vel equino, vel ceruino,
et sic completur dei sigillum, [2]
Et par hoc sanctum et sacrum sigillum quando erit sacratum poteris. facere
operationes quæ postea dicentur in hoc libro. Modus autem sacrandi
hoc sacrum sigillum talis sicut sequitr debet esse. [3]
Inspirante domino dixit Salomon unus est solus
deus, sola fides, sola virt~s, qua~ dominus hominibus voluit revelari et
distribui hoc modo. Dexit Angulus .Samael. Salomoni hoc dabis populo Israel
qui et aliis similiter tribuent [4]
et inbet ipsum Dominus taliter consecrari, Primo sit mundus operans non
pollutus, et cum deuocione faciat non astute, non commedat neque bibat,
donec perfecerit opus, Et sanguis quo scriptus fuerit primo sit benedictus
sicut postea dicetur, Deinde suffumigetr, hoc sigillum ambra, musco, aloe,
lapdano, albo, et rubeo, mastice, olibano, margaritis et thure. Invocando
et orando dominum sicut postea de visione divina erudietur, Post invocando
angelos sicut etiam infra Dicetur, mutabitur tamen peticio hoc modo, [5]
ut tu domine per annunciationem concepcionem et citera. Hoc sacratissimum
nomen ac sigillum tuum benedicere et consecrare digue ris ut per ipsum
et mediante possim vel possit talis .N. celestes coniuncere potestates
aereas et terreac cum infernalibus subingare, invocare, transmittaere.
constringere, excitare, gongregare, dispergere, ligare ac ipsos innocuos
reddere homines placare, et ab eis suas peticiones graciosius habere, inimicos
pacificare, pacificatos disimigere, sanos insanitate custodire vel infirmare.
infirmos curare. homines bonos a malis custodire. et distinguere, et cognoscere,
omne corporale periculum euadere, Judices in placito placatos reddere,
victoriam in omnibus obtinere, pecrata carnalia mortificare et spiritualia
fugare vincere, et euitare, divitias in bonis augmentare et dum in die
indicii apparebit. a dextris tuis cum sanctis et electis tuis tuam possit
cognoscere maiestatem [6]
Et tunc illa nocte sub aere extra domum dimittat, Tunc habeas chirotecas
nouas sine creace factas inquas quis numquam manum posuit in quibus signum
glutetur, et sic complebitur hoc sacrum sigillum, Cuius primus eptagonus
.7. ordines, Secundus .7. Articulos Duplos tertius .7. sacramenta Designat [7]
Prima mundatio that is to saye the beginninge
of the clensinge or powrginge of him yt shall worke in this
arte ffor he must be cleane ffrom all filthynes of soule and bodye
Now that we haue fynisshed the composityon or makinge
of the seale of god, let us procede to know how we shall obtayne the visyon
or sighte of the deite. ffirst he yt shall worke must
be very penitent and trewly confessed of all his sinnes. he muste vtterly
forbere ye company of women and all there intycements, in so
muche yt he maye nott looke upon them, ffor as salomon sayeth,
it is better to abyde withe a bere or a lyon in there dennes then to be
in a howse wt a wickyd woman, he maye kepe no company wt
wicked or sinfull men, for as dauid sayethe wt ye
holy thow shalte be holy, and wt the wicked thow shalte be wicked.
therfore he muste leade a pure and clene lyffe. for dauid sayeth blyssed
are the undefyled and those yt walke in the lawe of ye
lorde, lett not his apparryll be filthe but rather new, or elles very cleane
waschyd, salomon meanithe here by ye new garmentes vertu and
purenes of lyffe, ffor god and his holy angells care for no wordely thinges,
and that dothe appere, for the pore men doo soner worke effectually in
this arte then the ryche men, but in this worke folowinge clene apparryll
is necessarye, for angells doo abyde wt me~ and they be clene,
and therfor they desyre to haue clene apparryll, and therfore salomon did
speke generally aswell of the clennes of ye soule as of the
clennes of apparryll, and let him that shall worke neuer be ydell least
his harte doo the soner enclyne to synne for the scripture sayeth, be alwayes
doinge some thinge lest ye be fownde ydle, and lett him alwayes praye unto
god withe these prayers folowinge for the scripture sayethe blessed is
the seruant whome the lorde when he commethe shall fynde wakinge */*/*/*/*/*
the suffumigatyons as heare foloweth */*/*/*/*
Thimiamate for the satter daye is all good things and well smelling
roottes as ys costus (?) and herbe thuris, */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
Thimiamate upon saunday is masticke, muscus and suche lyke and all other
gumes of good odoure, as thus, beniamen, storax, labdanum, ambre armoniacum,
and such lyke */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
thimiamate upon mondaye is folium mirti, and lawlri, and leues of good
odor of all swet flowers */*/*/*/*/*/*
thimiamate on the tewsdaye is sanders the redd blake and white, and
all swete woodes as lygnum aloes cipres, balsami and such lyke */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
thimiamate on the wedsoun daye is the ryndes of all swete woodes, as
cinamum, cassia ligina corticus, lauri, and macis and all swete sedes */*/*/*/*/*/*
thimiamate on the thowrsdaye is all swete frutes as nuttmuges, cloues,
the ryndes of orenges and citrynes drye and powdred with suche lyke of
good odoure */*/*/*
thimiamate on the frydaye is mace roses
violates and all other frutes or flowers of good odoure as crocus and
such lyke */*/*/*
Hermes sayde of thimiamate, of the
is cinamonium, and lignum aloes, and masticke, and crocus, and costus,
and maces, and mirtus we put this yt yche planett haue a partye
in it */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
Salomon making a destinctyon upon the dayes and planettes of the spyce
with ye which aman oughte to make thimiamate, sayde that of
is eche good rootte in good and euill, of
all frutes, of
eche tree, of
eche gumme, of
eche rynde, of
eche flowers and odoriferus herbe, of the
eche lefe, */*/*/* bacce, cardamonum wax, put also with ^thes
thinges */*/*/*/*/*/*
hermes sayeth that he founde in an olde booke yt these were
ye more suffumigatyons thimiamate grecum, masticke, sandalus,
galbanum, muscharlazerat, mirram and ambram and these be ye
collectyons of spirites */*/*/*/* and he saythe there is no suche suffumigatyon
to call spirites as is ambra, lignum aloes, costus muscus crocus and bloode
of a lapwinge wt thimiamate mixt all to gethere wt
equall porcions, so yt it be odiferus of the goumes */*/*/*/*/*/*/*
Suffumigacions compounded of sartaine thynges heare foloweth. atribited
unto the planettes */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
For the sonne take saffrone, amber, muske, lignum, aloes, lignumbalsami,
the frutte of laurell, wt cloues, mir, and thuer equall porcions
so yt it be mixt all to gether after such manner yt
it be veri swete of odour of the goumes aforsaide, put to this ye
braines of an eygell and the bloude of an whytte coke suche quantite as
yt may be
verie odiferus as before sayde and makeyt in lyttell balles or pylles
and kepe yt verie close frome the aier or wynde for youre use */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
For the mone take the heades of froges made of the aier which you may
gather after some showers of raigne, with the eyes of a bull and the sede
of whytt popye wt thure, and camphyre equall porcions, mixt
all to gethere wt sangine menstruo, and the bloud of a whytt
gander suche quantyte as yt may be verie odiferus, and laye ytt safflye
up for youre use as before sayde */*/*/*/*/*/*/*
For mars take euphorbium, bedellium, armoniacum, the rottes of bothe
ye hearbes called elleborus, of some yt is called bearfotte,
wt the powder of the stone called magnes, and mirr, wt
alyttell sulphuer, but of the other equall porcions, mixt all to gether
wt the braines of a rauen, and humayne bloude wt
the bloude of a blak catt suche a quantie [sic] as yt maye be verie odiferus,
and laye yt up for youre use as before saide */*/*/*/*/*/*/*//*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
For marcurie take mastike, thuer, cloues, the hearbe called sunckfoyle
and of the stone in pouder called an agath, of equall porcions and mixt
all thes to gethere, wt the braines of afox and of a wesell,
wt ye bloude of a pye called a hagester, suche a
quantyte as shalbe expedient, so yt it be verie odiferus of
the goumies aforesaide, and laye yt up saffe for youre use as before is
first wrytten */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
For the planett iubiter take the sede of a~ ayche tree, lignum aloes,
storax, beniame~ and of the stone yt is called lapis lazuli,
and the greate endes of the quiells of
a pecoke equall porcions, and mixtall thes to gether wt the
bloude of a storke, of a swalowe, and the braines of stagg called an hartte
when he is kylled in the precens of the prince, the male or female will
serue, but take suche a quantite as yt may be verie odiferus of the foresaide
gumes, and layeyt up vere well for youre use as before saide */*/*/*/*/*/*
For the planett venus, take muscke, ambre, lignum aloes, redd roses,
and of the stone in pouder called corall, of yt whiche is redd
equall porcions and mixt all thes to gethere, with the braines of sparowes
male and female, and wt the bloude of a turcledour or of a howse
doue being whytte, hauinge allwayes respect that it be odifires of the
goumies as afore mencioned, and kepe yt verye well for youre use, ut supra,
For the planett saturne take the sedde of blake popye the sede of henbane,
the rotte of mandragg, and of the stone in powder called magnes, and of
mirr, equall porcions, mixt all thes to gethers with the braines of ablake
catt, and the bloude of backes called fluider myse, hauinge respecte to
the quantite that it be odiferouse of the goumie afore specified, kepeinge
it verie well for youre use as is first wrytten */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
Heare foloweth of maruelous efficacei sartaine suffumigacions accordinge
to the demonstracion of lerned and wyse men after the opnione of philosophye
A suffumigacion made of thes hearbes as foloweth causeth a man to see
scecreate visions to fore shewe and pronogsticate hidd and secreat mystires
concerninge the hole use of the world, and to revele and openley declarre
the quallities and operacion
therof */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
Take of sede of flex the sede of the hearbe called flesede, the rottes
of violettes the rottes of persley, and make a fumigacion accordinge to
the use as you shalbe tawghe [sic] in this booke, and you shall thorowe
the grace and healpe of allmightie god haue your desyere */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
A suffumigacion made of thes erbes cansethe visions in the ayer or
els wheare to apeare */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
Take coriander of some called colender and henbane, and the skine yt
is withein the pound garnet and the fumigacion made yt is finished yt
you desyere */*/*/*/*
A suffumygacion made of these hearbes as folowithe causethe visions
of the earthe to appeare */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
Take the rotte of the came reede, and
the rott of fenill giaunte, which is called ferula, with the skynne
yt is wt in the pourgarnet, and henbaune, and the
herbe tassi barbassi and reed saunders and blake poppie, the conffeccione
of thes made it is finished that you desyere */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
But iff this hearbe perslie with ye rote of ytt be added
unto the fore sayde confecsion yt destroyethe the forsayde matter and maketh
it cleane voyde from all places and yt shall come to no effecte */*/*/*/*/*/*
A suffumigacion made of thes hearbes as foloweth expellyth and driuith
awaye all visions, and fantices in slepe or other wuse */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
Take piones peniriall, mintes and ye hearbe called palmacrist,
and make a confeckecion therof at your goinge to bedd or at ani other tyme
when as nede requireth and yt shalbe donne that
you requier */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
A suffumigacion made as folowith dryvith and expellith all poysons
and venomes
Take the pemies of a peroke the hidden partes of the longes of an asse
and make a conffeccion thereof and yt is donne that you desire */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
A suffumigacion made as folowith cawsyth a howse or suche places
where yt is made to sime as yt were full of water or blowde */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
Take the galle of the fyshe called a cuttle the swete gum called arminioicum
& rosses and lignum aloes, if then the sayde confeccion be put in the
place wher ani water of the sea hathe benne or ani bloude hath benne or
put of the sayde water or bloude in to the sayde confeccion yt
beinge congelyd and dried and therof afimigacion made in a howse or ani
where you are dyssposed to proue this and yt shalbe donne that you desyere
and put into thys place where you worke thys forsayde matter ther earth
yt fallyth or hangeth on a plowe, and it wyll sem that all the
earthe dothe tremble and shake.
A suffumygacion made as hearafter folowith in anie place where you
will cawseth all things there hiddin never to be founde or reuelyd */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
Take thes hearbes, coriander, and saffron, henbanne, parslie and blake
popie the water therof the popie dysstilled and tempered wt
the iuce of the poungarnet skine the which is wt in the sayde
poungarnet this being in a confeccion made and laye wt yt golde
syluer or anie other precious thinge wt in the water the earthe
or anie other place where you will, or make a fumigacion of the foresayde
conffeccion upon the sayde place which thoue wilte hyde anie thinge
in the
at the same present be in coniunccion wt th sonne in the .4.
howse which is ye angle of the earthe or the pointe of midnight
and yt shalbe allways kepte secrett for beinge found or reuelyd by anie
waye or means it is sartaine and true */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
A suffumygacion made of, as after folowith cawseth visions in the
ayer & the shaddowes of sepulcors of the arthe to appeare */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
Take the naturall seed of the fyshe called a whalle, lingnum aloes,
costus, muske saffronne, armoniacum, wt the blude of the foule
called a lapwinge, and make a conffeccion therof, wt this sayde
conffeccion make a fumigaccion in a conuenient place, and you shall see
visyons in the ayer, take of the sayd conffeccion and make
a fumygacion aboute the sepulkers and vissions of the dedd shall and
wyll appeare
And note and marke all this well, that thes saide matters hathe tymes
and dew, obseruacions perffyttley to be donne and keepte properley under
the trew frome and concourse of the heaunes, according to ther proper qualites
and influences, in eche degre. for the whiche you maye worke as in the
chapters before wrytten yt apperethe more plainley */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
the suffumigacions of the .12. signes, and of there facies */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
[aries] take for ye fumigacion of the singe of aries mir
[taurus] take for the fumigacion for ye singe of taurus, costus
[gemini] take for the fumigacion for the singe of gemini, mastike
[cancer] take for the fumigacion for the singe of cancer, camphyer,
[leo] take for the singe of leo, thi fumigacion, thu
[virgo] take for the fumygacion for the singe of virgo, saunders
[libra] take for the singe of libra, this fumigacion, galbanm
[scorpio] take for the singe scorpio, thys fumygacion, oponianac
[sagitori] take for the singe of sagitori, thys fumygacion, lingnum
[capricorne] take for the singe of capricorne, thys fumigacion, asam
[aquarie] take for the singe of aquarie thys fumygacion, euphorbium
[pysses] take for the synge of pysses thys fumygacion, thimiamatyis
called armoniacum
Suffumicacions of the facies of the .12. signes
Primafacies [aries] teuer mirram .2. scamonum .3. pip nigrum . prima [taurus]
costum .2. cardamonum .3. coprssum, prima facies .[cancer]. muscum .2.
succhum .3. nucem muscatum, prima .[libra]. galbanium .2. ut almea,
[21v] .
3. garyophilum, prima facies .[capricorne]. asafetedam .2. celephamam,
.3. pip longum, prima .[aquarie]. euforbium, .2. ruberberum .3. scamoneam,
prima .[pysses]. tenet thimiama. .2. crocum .3. sandalum album .1. .[leo].
tenet thus .2. lingnum balsum, .3. mir muscata, prima .[virgo]. sandalus
.2. crocum, .3. masticem. And looke what fumicacion we giue the first hower
of the
the same muste you giue all that daye & so lykewyse of other */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
De suffumigationibus temporum */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
In primo tempore lignum aloes, thus, et crocum, in secundo tempore thimiama,
id est armoniacum, costum, masticem, in tercio tempore sandalos, cassia
et mirtum, in quarto tempore muscum succum et lignum balsami,
De fumigationibus quatuor pertium mundi quatuer elementorum */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
In oriente parte et super ignem sunt ambra,
muscus, et alba cera, in parte meredei, et terræ, sunt algalya,
almea, et tyryaca, in occidentalii parte et in aere sunt balsamus, camphora,
et olium olmarum, in septentrione et aqua sunt lignum aloes, nux muscata,
et maceys */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
The names of the angells that haue powr upon ye .7. dayes in
the wicke and upon the .7. sterres and goethe upon the .7. heauens and
other whyle in there chayers be these */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
Capziel . satquiel . Samael . raphael . anael . l . Amael . Michael . et
gabriel. and the powr of theys is that capziel is the power of sabaday
satquiel of Zedet [sic] .
samael of madin .
raphael of hamina .
anael of noga .
michael of cocab .
and gabryel of labana .
and euery wan of thes sitteth in his heauen. */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
Nomina aeris in quatuor temporibus
in primo tempore dicitr ystana, in secundo .surail. in tertio . oadyon
in quarto gulyon, et nomina angeloru~ qui habent potestatem in aere et
super sunt hæc Raphael . guabryel . michael . cherubin . seraphyn
orchyne . pataceron . mycraton . sandalson . barachyel . rageyel . tobyell
et nominabis . eos in omnibus rebus quæ facias in aere . et deo adiuuante
prosperabis */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
Nomina terræ in quatuor . temporibus anni in primo dicitur nyguedam
in secundo yabassa . in tercio . tobell, in quarto . aradon, et angeli
terræ sunt hæc */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
Samael . yatayell . baranyell . oryell . arfanyel . tatgryel . danael
. affaryell . pactryell . baell . byenyell . et nominabis hæc nomina
angelorum super terram in his rebus quæ facis in terra, et deo adiu~ante
prosperabis */*/*/*
the names of the monthes be these */*/*/*
nisan . yar . mantanius . abelul . tysyryn . marquesnam . quislep . tobenor
thus tebethe sabat . adar . postadar . postremus .
The names of the potestates be these and they be .12. princes
or rulors . that is one uppon euerye month of the .[moon]. and the rather
is .oryel . sasuyell . amaryel . noryel . beraquiel . magnyuya . suryel
. barfiell . adoniel . anael . gabryel . romyel . lacyel and euery of these
hathe so many potestates or helpars more or greater as there be dayes
in the monthe or many other seruantes of them.
the names of the angells of the .12. monthes.
The names of the angells that be mighty and more mighty in the first monethe
which is sayde nysan, be these . oryel . malaquiram . acya . zaziel . paltifur
. yesmachia . yaryel . araton . robyca . sephatya . anaya . guesupales
. seniquiel . sereryel . malquia . aricasom . pacyta . abdyel . ramasdon
. cafiel . nascyasori . sugni . aszrus . sornadaf . admyel . necamya .
caysaac . benyh . q~uor . adziryell .
the names of the .2. monthe which is sayd yar in
the language of hebrewe */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
Safuelor . sasnyeil . santon . cartemat . alyel . paltnya . bargar . galmus
. necpys . aarom . manyt . aadon . quenanel . quemon . rasegar . affrye
. absamon . sarsall . aspyn . carbyel . regnya . athlas . nadys . abytasy
. abytan . palylet . */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
the names of the angells of the .3. monthe that is
sayd */*/*/*/* sifan be these.
Amaryel . tabryell . casmuch . nastyfa . almur . naa=
mab . mamica . zicaran . samysarach . naaseyn . andas . paltamus . abrys
. borzac . saforac . yayat . dalya . azyger. nabsuf . abuifor . zenam .
dersam . cefanya . maccasor . naboon . adyell . maasyell . szarzyr . tartalyon
. adyysar .
these be the names of ye angelles of ye
.4. monthe yt is sayd thamuth
. noryel . safyda . asaf . mazica . sarsac . adryyaac . nagron . galuf
. galgal . danroc . saracu . remafydda . lulyaraf . nedylar . tyaf . taanat
. lafayel . genyda . nedyr . delqua . maadon . samyel . amrael . lezaydi
. as . ohoc . nasyby . razyarsady . yadna . caspa . garytan . elysafan
. pastama . maday .
the names of the angells of the .5. monthe be these
beraquyell or beraquyel . mãhy . or amarya . haya . byny . madrat
. aman . tulyell . cossuro . fartis . nactif . nekyff . pegner . tablic
. manuat . amasya . guatyell . reycat . gnynzy . palyel . gadeff . nesgnyraf
. abrac . animiter . carnby . nachall . cabake loch . macrya . sase . essaf
these be the names of ye angells of the
.6. monthe that is sayd elul.
manyny . arabyell . hanyell . nacery . yassar . rassy . boell . mathyall
. naccameryf . zacdon . nafac . rapyon . saspy . salhy . rasersh . malquyell
. sanytyell . yoas . gualaly . danpy . yamla . golum . zaszyell . satpach
. nassa . myssyn . macratyf . dadyell . carcyell . effygmato */*/*
these be the names of ye angells of the
.7. monthe that is sayd tysyrin.
surgell or suryel . sarycam . guabryza . szncaryell . sabybyall . ytrnt
. cullya . dadyel . marham . abercaysdon . sacdon . pagnlan . arsabon .
asyramon . agnyel . sastyracnas . alt=
ym . masulaef . salamyel . sascunyel . barcaran . yahnt . alycas . vlysacyaia
. abry .
the names of the angells of the .8. monthe that is
sayde marquesnan.
be these barbyts . or barfiell . tylzdyell . raamyell . nehubaell . alysaf
. balyel . arzaf . rashyel . alson . naspyell . becar . palyel . elysu
. aiguap . nacpas . sansany . aesal . maarym . sascy . yalsenac . mabynt
. magdyell . saneinas . maalyel . arsafael . nanyseyorar . becabalaf .
napybael . sucyel . nabnell . saryell . sodyel . marenell . palytam .
the names of the angells of the .9. monthe be these
which is sayde quislep.*/*/*/*
edoniel . radyel . maduch . racyno . hyzy . maryel . azday . mandyel .
gumyel . seryel . kery . sahaman . osmyn . sechyel . pazehemy . chalchyphay
. gey . Idael . necad . mynael . arac . ararygugel . galnel . gimon . satuel
. elynzy . baquylaguall
the names of the angells of the .10. monthe that
is sayde thebeth be these.*/*/*
Anael . amyel . acyor . naclya . rapynes . raacpel . pacrel . halion .
guanrynasnihe . aslaom . naspaya . neapry . sanihay . hasasylgason . gastaset
. yfaryamy . man . polimas sarananuf . olyab . saryel . canel . razyell
. pmla . nisquem . sarman . malysan . asyzat . marimoe .
the names of the angells of the .11. monthe which
is sayd cyuanth be these.*/*/*
gabryel . ysrael . natryel . gaszyel . nassam . abrysaf . zefaell . zamyel
. mamyel . talyel . myryel . sahinyel . guryel . samhyell . daryel . banorsasty
. satymn . nasyel . ransyel . talguaf . lebrachiel . dalyell . gandryel
. sahuhaf . myschyel .
the names of ye angells of the .12. monthe
that is sayde adar be these.*/*/*
romyel . patyel .
guryel . azryel . paamyel . cartyel . el . anunalbeh . parhaya . ysael
. beryel . laell . tenebyel . panten . panteron . fanyel . falason . mancyel
. pataron . labyel . ragael . cetabyel . nyazpatael .
the names of the angells of the .13. moneth yt
is sayde büsextilis which is sayde adar the laste in marche be these,
lacyel or lantyel . ardyel . nosmyel . ardyel . celydael . amyel . malquyel
. gabalyel . susuagos . barylaguy . yabtasyper . magos . sangos . yayell
. yel . yasmyel . steluyel . garasyn . ceyabgos . sacadyel . garacap .
gabanael . tamtyel .
the names of ye dayes of the wicke wt
there angells stronge and mighty upon euery daye, and euery won in his
daye .
the names of ye angells that seruithe
in the daye of
be these.
danyel . olyeyll . saffyell . dargoyeyll . yelbrayeyell . cemaguyll . gebarbaya
. faceyeyll . caram . neyeyll . talgylueyl . bethtaez . raneyl . salha
. hyeyll . armaquieyeyll . romayl . gybryll . zemayl . mychaze . zarsayeyll
. amayl . antorayeyll . ronayeyll . reniayeyll . barhyl . marhyll . rarorhyll
. merhyll . zarafyll . zarayll . an . quyhym . ceytatynyn . eznyah . vehych
. dunedryneylyn . yedemkyeyl . esmaadyn . elbedagrin . zamaanel . yocaleme
. detryeyll . aryeyl . arnaeyll . veremedyn . vnaraxidyn .
these be the angells in the daye of the ![[Luna]](../../../../../../../Lucy/Projects/ycp projects/Lovecraft/Magic/Juratus/lun.gif)
semhazylyn . semyhylym . yasrozyn . agrasnydyn
. aymsylyn . cathneylyn . alrasachysyn . abrachasyn . layralosyn . lang
hasyn . anaenym . niangaroryn . aezonyn . montazyn . labelas . mafatyn
. feya . rachyn . cadanagyn . laeradonyn . caffrnbryn . bachramyn . varthalyn
. amnanyneylyn . hacoylyn . balganaychyn . aryeylyn . badeylyn . abranoryn
. tarmanydyn . amdalysyn .sahgragynyn . adyanienyn . sacstoyeyn . latebayfanysyn
. caybeinynyn . nabyalyn . cyzamanyn . abramacyn . laryagathyn . bofealyquyn
. bayealadyn . gasoryn . asaphyn . daryenyn . macnayelyn . gomraoryn .
marybyn . yebyryn . arylyn . faryelyn . nepenyelyn . banyelyn . astyeylyn
. ceradadyn .
these be the angells that serue in ye
daye of
samayelyn . tartalyn . doppeyl . racyelyn . farabyn . cabyn . asymolyn
. mabareylyn . tralyeylyn . rubbelyn . marmaryn . tafanyelyn . fuheylyn
. ruffar . aneylyn . rabsylyn . eralyn . pyrteplyn . brofylyn . cacyrylyn
. naffreynyn . nupuryn . raffylyn . nyrylyn . nyenyolyn . nybyryn . celabryll
. tubeylyn . haayn . veyn . paafyryn . cetenoylyn . letytyeylyn . rarafeyll
. canueyl . bastaylyn . costyryn . montyelyn . albylyn . parachbeyll .
alyeyll . vaceyll . zalcycyll . amadyell . vsararyeyll . lyncodoneyl .
daffrypeyl . vnlylyn . carfzoneyll . gronyeyll . gabrynyn . narbeyll .
the names of ye angells that serue in
ye daye of
be these.
michael . beerel . dafngel . aryhyryel . boel . baryel . meryel . amyel
. aol . semeol . aaen . beryon . saryno~ . keineryon . feynon . aneynyn
. zamazynyn . cananyn . aall . merygall . pegal . gabal . veal . aum=
eal . faranyeal . gebyn . carybyfyn . autarylyn . metorylyn . nabyafsyn
. fysfyn . barsslylyn . caruphylyn . danyturla . fenyturla . geumyturla
. amya . alnamya . tabynya . nafya . myacha . tyagra . bec . alacaorynyll
. benenonyll .
ye names of ye angells in ye
daye of
be these.
satquyel . ahyell . yebel . anenyel . Jumyel . Junyel . amyel . fanyel
. ramuel . sanfael . saccynyel . galbyel . lafyel . ,azyel . ymraell .
memyell . paryel . pamhynyel . toupyel . ambanyel . omyell . orfyell .
ael . hearel . memyel . ynel . syumelyel . tranfyel . mefenyel . antquyel
. quisyell . cumyryel . rofynyel . rubyeyel . beell . baryel . cheduryel
the names of the angells of ye daye of
be these.
hasuayeyl . barneyeyl . verday . heyll . alzeyeyll . szeyeyll . bacapel
. zelfayeyll . morayeyll . borayeyll . alpheyeyll . arobylyn . canofylyn
. ourylyn . zaryalyn . marylyn . bacoraye . kolfayelyn . azrayeylyn . ambayeyryn
. mayeylyn . cabueyryn . alseyryn . asueyryn . alneyryn . nenanryn . rayoryn
. orynyn . gedulyn . hareryn . namylyn . halylyn . hymeylyn . reffylyn
. narraabylyn . hahyeylyn . landelyn . esfylyn . thefelyn . patnelyn .
keyalyn . naylyn . leyrayell . ablayeyll . talraylanrayn . barkalyn . bahoraelyn
ye names of ye angells in ye
daye of
be these.
myeraton . pacrifon . polypon . capeyell . ehenyton . alfyton . cheryon
. sandalson . panyon . almyon . erpyon . paxon . calyrxon . horryon . melyson
. unryon . tonelyn . refaebylyon . monyteon . bornaylon . paxylon . lelalyon
. onoxyon . quybon . quyron . vyxasmyon . relyon . cassylon . tyfonyon
. muryon . degyon . dapsyon . lenayon . orleunyon . foylyon . monychyon
gabyon . paxonyon . pynsylon . lepyron . loeloon . saron . salyon .
pyon . nargeron . aaron . selyypon . pinmybron . raconcall . zelybron .
ffinis */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
Before that these .3. prayers folowinge be sayd
ouer the bloude ye must go towardes Ierusalem that Is estwarde and ye must
saye ouer the bloud ye exorcisme that Is sayd ouer ye
salte that Is putt Into haly water, and that must be sayd .3. but that
ye names must be changed thus. I exorcyse the o yu
creature of bloude, In the styde of ye creature of salte,
which god commaundyd by salomon to be putt In to ye seale, In
ye stide of which god commaundid by his prophet helyzeus to
be putt Into water and so forthe of the resydewe, and this exorcysme thus
sayd .3. with astole abowt thy neke the~ saye the prayers folowing thryse
that donne ye bloude shall be consecrated and mete for the seale.
Exorcizo te creatura sanguis + per deum vivum +
per deum verum + per deum sanctum + per deum qui Salomonen In eius deuinam
Sigillum primum In ssic: vt sanaretur sterilitas Sanguis efficiaris exorcizatum
In salutem credencium: et sis omnibus te Sumentibus Sanitas anime et corporis
et effugiat atque desendat ab Iste sanguine omnia samasia et nequita vel
versucia diabolice fraudis: omnisque spiritus In mundus adiuratus per eum
qui venturus est Iudicare vivos et mortuos et seculum per Ignem. Amen.
Exorcizo te creatura Sanguis que In nomine + Dei patris omnipotentis
et In nomine +
Iesu xpi filii eius dni nostri, et In virtute Sps Sancti, vt fias Sanguine
exorcizate ad effugandam omnem potestatem Inimiel et Ipsum Inimicum eradicare
et explantare valeas cum angelis Suis apostaticis, per virtutem eiusdem
dni nostri + Iesu xpi qui vnturus est Iudicare vivos et mortuos et Seculum
per Ignem. Amen. * * * *
O Inuisyble god, O Inestymable god, O Ineffable
god, O Incommutable god, O Incorrvptyble GOD, O most mercyfull god,
O most Swettest god, O Highe and gloryous god. O god of Infynite mercye,
I althought vnworthe Synner full of Iniquyt deceyte And malyce most Humbly
come unto thy mercy prayinge and beseching the not to haue respecte to
all & Innumerable myn Iniquytes, but even As yu arte wonte
to haue mercye upon Synners, and to here ye prayers of ye
Humble and meke, even so I beseche ye to vouchsaffe to here
me thy Seruant althoughe vnworthy yet calling vnto ye ffor ye
blessinge And consecrating of this bludd thy creature that It maye be made
apte and worthy ffor ye ynke of thy most precyous and Holy Seale
and of thy name . SememphoraS . so yt It maye haue ye
aptnes and metenes whith It ought to haue by thy most Holy name, which
Is written with .4. letters . Joth . He . vau . Deleth . Agla . eloy .
yayin . theos . Deus . which being harde all celestyall terrestryall and
Infernall creatures doo tremble feare &
worship It, and by thyes thy most Holy names . on . Alpha et omega .
principium . el . ely . eloe . eloy . elyon . Sother . emanuel . Sabaoth
. Adonay . egge . ya . ya . ye . this creature of bludd may be blessyd
preparyd and made apte ffor ye ynke of thy Holy seale and of
thy most Holy name . SememphoraS
. which Is blessyd worlde with owt ende . Amen .
Another prayer ffor the Same
O good Iesu christ ffor thy Ineffable mercy Spare
me and haue mercy upon me and here me now thorow the Invocatyon of the
name of the Holy trynyte the father the Sonne and the Holy goste and that
yu woldest accept and take In good worthe the prayers and wordes
of my mouthe, by the Invocatyon of thy .100. Hooly names that Is to Saye
monhon . tetragramaton . olydeus . Ocleiste . Amphinethon . lamtara . Ianemyer
. Saday . Hely . Horlon . portenthymon . Ihelur . Gofgamep . emanuel .
On . Admyhel . Honzmorp . Ioht . Hofob . Rasamarathon . Anethi . erihona
. Iuestre . Saday . maloht . Sethœ . elscha . Abbadaia . Alpha et omega
. leiste . Oristyon . Ieremon . Hosb . merkernon . elzephares . egyryon
. betha . Ombonar . Stymulamathon . Orion . eryon . noymos . peb . nathanothasy
. theon . ysyston . porho . Rothon . lethellethe . ysmas . Adonay . Athionadabir
. Onoytheon . Hosga . leyndra . nosulaceps . tutheon . Gelemoht . paraclitus
. Occymomyon . erchothas . abracio . anepheneton . Abdon . melche . Sother
. usiryon . baruch . Sporgongo . Genonem . messyas . pantheon . zabuather
. Rabarmas . Yskyros . Kyryos . Gelon . Hel . Rethel . nathi . Ymeynlethon
. Karex . Sabaoth . Sallaht . cirhos . Opyron . nomygon . Oryhel . theos
. ya . Horha . christus . Holbeke . tosgac . Occymomos . elyorem .
Heloy . Archyna . rabur . humbly & faythfully beseching the
althoughe unworthe yet trusting In ye that yu woldest
sanctefy & blesse this bloude by thy most Holy names afforsayd, &
by this na~e . Sememphoras . of .72. letters that by ye power
Holynes and vertue of ye same na~es & by yi deuyne
mighte & power this bloude maye be co~secrated, blyssed, & strengthed
by ye vertu of yi most Holy bodye & bloude yt
It may haue ye vertue & aptnes which it oughte to haue wt
out any discet, yt it maye be worthy to wrighte yi
Holy seale yt it may haue ye effecte which it ought
to haue thorow or lorde Iesus which syttethe in ye
hyghest to whome be honor prayse & glorye worlde wt owt
ende Amen.
:::::the blessing of It:::::
God the father blesse ye God ye sonne blesse ye
God ye Holy gost blesse ye Hooly marye mother of
or lorde Iesu christ maye blesse & Sanctefy ye,
o bloude yt yu mayst Haue ye mighte and
power of a sacrament In wryting of ye Seale of God. All Holy
virgins maye blesse ye this, Daye & euer. All ye
Holy & electe of God and All ye celestyall powers maye blesse
the and confyrme and Strengthen the, All Angells and Archangells vertues,
principates, potestates, thrones, and domynatyo~s, cherubin & Seraphin
by ye auchtoryte & lycency of god may blesse ye,
by ye marytes & all ye prayers of thy sayntes
O lorde Iesu christ yt yu woldest blesse + sanctyfy
+ & consecrate + this bloude & strengthe~ it, by thy almighty powr,
& yt thy seale yt shall herewt be
wrytte~ may haue ye power which it oughte to haue & for
yt purpose & intent for ye which it is ordeyned
thorow or lord Iesu christ whose reygne & empyre dothe contynew
worlde wt owt ende. Amen :
Part 2
1. Trans: First, make a circle with a
diameter of three fingers, in honor of the three fingernails of the Lord,
or five fingers on account of in honor of the five wounds, or seven in
honor of the seven sacraments, or nine in honor of the nine orders of angels,
though five fingers are usually used. RETURN
2. After this thow shalt knowe that comonly
in the examplars the fyve cornarde cyrkyll or anullet is made of redd died
wt saffron wtin the spaces & the ffirst crkell wt 7 corners of azure,
the seconde of saffron. The thirde of purple & the rounde cerkelie
of Black. / & the space betwene the circules wher the name Shemhamphoras
is: is dyed wt saffron. Att other spaces are to be coloured wt grene. wher
tet'grammaton ye & the xkyll abowght that wyght wt the Angells names
& planetts RETURN
3. and by this holy & consecrated seale
aftr it be consecrated thou mayest worke operacions wich shalbe
declared afterwarde in this Booke. The manr of consecratyng
of this holy seale ought thus to be as folowethe. RETURN
4. By the inspiracion of god, Salomon said:
yer is only one god only faith only vertue wch the
lord wolde to be reueled to men & distributed of this wyse. The angell
said to Salomon this shalt thow geve to the people off Israell whiche also
shall likewise geve to others, so it hathe pleased the creator.
5. & the lorde comaundeth it thus to be
cõsecrated / ffirst let the worker be cleane not polluted &
let hym do it wt deuocion not deceytfully / let hym not eate
nor drynke tyll he heaue done his worke / & the blode wheretr
it shalbe written first must be blessed as shalbe said afterward. than
the seale must be fumed wt amber, muske, aloes, lapdanum the
white & redd / mastyke, Olibanum margarith & encensce, callyng
uppõ & prayng to the lorde & all holy angels, by sayng as
foloweth.: RETURN
6. [Oration.] That thow lorde by the
annunciacion, conceptiõ &c. wilte vouchesafe to blesse &
cõsecrate this thy most holy name & seale that by it through
thy mediacion I may or suche one maye N. convitco heuenly powers ayrely
earthy & infernall to subdue invocate to alter coniure, cõstrayne,
reyse up, cõgregate dryve away to bynde & to make tho not able
to hurte or harme to pacifie men & of them to haue graciouslye myne
or his peticione to quyet enemyes. / them yt be at peace to
disseu~ & to kape seke ,e~ in helth or to make the~ seeke./ to make
seke men whole, to keper evyll men from good & to dyvide & to know
them. / to skape all bodely daunger, to make Iudges pacified at pleasure./
to obteyne victory in all thyngs, to mortifie carnall synnes & to dryve
away ouercome & avoyde, the spirituall./ to encrease riches in good
thyngs & whau~ in the daye of iudgement. I or he shall appere of thy
ryght hande wt thy saynts & electe I or he maye knowe thy
maiestie. RETURN
7. Then that night let him lay it without the
house in the clear air. Then you shall have new gloves made without fingers
therou~, into the which no man ever did put his hand, in the which the
seal shall be fast put and thus is accomplished this holy seal. RETURN