---- Grimoires ----
said to be related to or by Pope Honorius
in the Miskatonic University Library

The Constitution of Pope Honorius the Great, where in may be found the Arcane Conjurations which must be used against the Spirits of Darkness. With a Collection of the Most Rare Secrets. Rome, 1670. 

The Grimoire of Honorius is a catalogue of fallen angels and how to raise them. The book is credited to Pope Honorius III, who succeeded Pope Innocent III in 1216, and was a prolific writer of theological works.  The Grimoire of Honorius is full of Christian benedictions and formulae.  "It not only instructed priests in the arts of demonology but virtually ordered them to learn how to conjure and control demons, as part of their job."  It is recommended that the sorcecer wrote the grimoire with his own hand to obtain the power of the spells.
First published in Rome in 1629 (though probably 16th century), describes the ritual of conjuration and other occult ceremonials. The title may have been stolen from a work of Christian theology (with no magical onus) entitled "Honorii Papae adversus tenebrarum Principem et ejus Angelos Conjurations ex originale Romae servato, Rome, 1529." Therefore, the grimoire may be some kind of perverse revenge against Honorius's writings. While is basically a Christian treatise, it depends greatly on Kabbalistic tradition and may have been one of the inspirations for Christians believing that Jews sacrificed children. But it might also refer to the Imago mundi of Honorius Augustodunensis.

Grimoire of Pope Honorius

SEE The Constitution of Pope Honorius the Great.
a translation of this work is available as:

THE GRIMOIRE OF POPE HONOURIUS, translated by Ms Kim Ch'ien from the old German of 1220  The publisher of this volume (Trident Press) claims it is the first and only English translation of the rare medieval demonology grimoire text.  Presented in a limited edition of 1000 copies, it is 125 pages with hardcover and dustjacket.  This is the most complete and reliable presentation ever published and includes the sigils and illustrations known to be associated with the work. Also includes an exhaustive bibliographic prolegomenon by John Davis, and appended to the work is a translation of the 15th century Ecclesiastic work "Conjurationes Demonum", translated from the Latin by Matthew Sullivan. The original German text is also included

The Sworn Book of Honorius 

sometimes called the Liber sacer or Liber Juratus (Book of Law of Honorius).
Elizinus (Sworn Book of Honorius?)


liber Appolonii magi vel philosophi, qui dicitur Elizinus

Liber sacer (Sworn Book), Pre 1400


z. liber Honorii diuisus in 5 tractatus (Perhaps Honorius Augustodunensis Clavis physicae, said to be in five books, but most likely Honorius Thebensis, Liber sacratus: Thorndike HMES II.283-9.)

Liber sacer (Sworn Book)

Honorius (attr. Peter Abellard)

e. liber sacratus Petri Abellardi [I would think, given the contents, that this is the Liber sacer, the Sworne Book of Honorius.]

Liber sacer

Honorius Thebarum

Honorii Magisti Thebarum, liber cui titulus 'Juratus', cum proaemo. s. xiv. Incipit proaemium, 'Cum convenissent maligni spiritus demonici in cordibus hominum intonantes--' Incipit liber 'In nominee, etc. Ego honorius opera Salomonis in libro meo taliter ordinavi--' In fine 'Explicit liber de vita anime rationaliter, que liber sacer vel liber Angelorum nuncupatur; quem fecit Honorius Magister Thebarum. Hic est liber quo Deus in hac vita facialiter qui videri: Hic est liber quo quilibet potest salvari et in vitam eternam procul dubio deduci. Hic est liber quo infernus & purgatorium queunt sine morte videri: Hic est liber quo quo onmnes creatura, excerptis novem ordinibus angelorum possunt subjugari; Hic est liber quo onmnes scientiae possunt haberi. Hic ext liber, quo substantia imbecillissima potest substantias robustissimas et devincere et sujugare. Hic est liber quem nulla lex habe nisi Christiana, et si habet, nil sibi prodest. Hic est liber qui est majus jocale, a Deo datum omni alio jocali exceptis sacramentis. Hic est liber quo natura corporalis et visibilis cum corporali et invisibili alloqui, rationari et instrui potest. Hic est liber, quo innumerabiles thesauri haberi possunt. Ex multa alia per hunc fieri quenunt[?], que narrare distendium seest, ideo merito Sacer nuncupatur.' In perg. S. xiv. [council of necromancers; necromancy].

s. xiv-xv. (Ays. lists as xiv as does anonymous c

Liber sacer or Liber juratus


'Liber sacer or Liber juratus [council of necromancers; necromancy]. 26 fols. Salomonis opus sacrum ab Honorico ordinatum, tractatus de arte magica; folia sic in ordinem redigenda 9-16, 1-8, 17. Incomplete version. Only gets to second section.


A copy of this work exists in the Miskatonic University On Line Library


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