Much has been said about King
Solomon and his biblical standing is so great as a man of wisdom that is
was always believed that God must have given him powers above all others
to appear so wise. Over the centuries, this image of Solomon as a
magician, able to control the world around him has given rise to books
of magic claiming to be the true transcription of his magical formulae.
One of the great incitors of this belief was Flavious Josephus, a Jewish
historian. Joseph Ben Matthias (37 or 38 A.D. - about 101 A.D.),
born in Jerusalem of both royal and priestly lineage. A man both
learned and worldly, he was a member of the Pharasees and also a publich
figure who, before the Jewish revolt against Rom (66 A.D.), had made friends
at the court of Nero. Here follows an except from one of his histories
explaining the wisdom of Solomon with the 1821 annotations of William Whiston.
JOSEPHUS (1821 edition) "The Genuine works of Flavius Josephus the Jewish
Historian: containing Twenty Books of the Jewish Antiquities, Seven Book
sof the Jewish War, and The Life of Josephus, written by himself.
Translated from the original Greek, according to Havencamp's accurate edition.
Together with explanatory notes and observations; parallel tests of scripture;
the true chronology of the several histories; an account of the Jewish
coins, weights, and measures; and a complete index. By the late William
Whiston, M. A. Professor of Mathematics in the University of Cambridge,
&c. &c. in Two Volumes. Vol. I. Boston: Printed and
Published by S. Walker, Newbury-Street. 1821"
Now the sagacity and wisdom which God had bestowed
on Solomon was so great he exceeded the ancients: insomuch that he was
no way inferior to the Egyptians, who are said to have been beyond all
men in understanding; may indeed it is evident that their sagacity was
very much inferior to that of the king's. He also distinguished himself
in wisdom above those who were most emiment among the Hebrews at that time
for shrewdness. Those I mean were Ethan, Heman, Chalcol, and Darda,
the sons of Mahol. He also composed books of Odes, and Songs, in
number a thousand and five; and of Parables and Similitudes three thousand.
For he spake a parable upon every sort of tree, from the hyssop to the
cedar: and in like manner also about beasts, about all sorts of living
creatures, * whether upon the earth, or in the seas,
or in the air. For he was no unacquainted with any of their natures;
nor omitted inquiries about them; but described them all like a philosopher,
and demonstrated his exquisite knowledge of their several properties.
God also enabled him to learn that skill which expels demons, +
which is a useful science to men. He composed such incantations also
by which distempers are alleviated; and left behind him the manner of using
exorcisms, by which they drive away demons; so that they never return,
and this method of cure is of great force until this day. For I have
seen a certain man of my own country, whose name is Eleazar, releasing
the people that were demonical in the presence of Vespasian, and
his sons, and his captains, and the
multitude of his soldiers: and the manner of
cure was this; he put a ring that had a root of one of those sorts mentioned
by Solomon to the nostrils of the demoniac, after which he drew out the
demon through his nostrils: and when the man fell down, he adjured him
to return into him no more; making still mention of Solomon, and reciting
the incantations which he composed. And when Eleazar would demonstrate
to the spectators, that he had such a power, he set a little way off a
cup or bason full of water, and commanded the demon, as he went out of
the man, to overturn it: and thereby let the spectators know that he had
left the man. And when this was done, the skill and wisdom of Solomon
was shewwn very manifestly. For which reason it is that all men may
know the vastness of Solomon's abilities, and how he was beloved of God,
and that the extraordinary virtues of every kind with which this king was
endowed may not be unknown to any people under the sun; for this reason,
I say, it is that we have proceeded to speak so largely of these matters.
_____________ footnotes
* The several books
which treated of the nature and virtue of animals, as well as plants, are
supposed to have been lost in the Babylonish captivity; but Eusebius, as
he is quoted by Anastatius, informs us, that king Hezekiah, seeing the
abuse which his subjects made of Solomon's works, by placing too much confidence
in remedies which he prescribed, and the natural secrets which he discovered,
thought proper to suppress them all. Notwithstanding this, since
his time, many books, concerning the secrets of magic, medicine, and enchantments,
have appeared under the name of this prince; and several pieces have been
quoted, such as The Instructions of Solomon to his son Rehoboam; The Testament
of Solomon; The Books of the Throne of Solomon; The Books of Magic, composed
by the demons, under the name of Solomon; The Clavicula, or Key of Solomon;
The Ring of Solomon; the Contradiction of Solomon, &c. which were most
of them very wicked and pernicious tracts, to which the authors prefixed
this great name to give them creit and sanction. It is somewhat strange,
however, that Josephus should inform us, that Solomon composed books of
enchantments, and several manners of exorcisms, or of driving away devils,
so that they could return no more; and that he should farther assure us,
that himself had seen experiments of it by one Eleazar, a Jew, who, in
the presence of Vespasian, his sons, and the officers of his army, cured
several that were possessed. Jewish Antiq. lib. 8. c. 2. Calmet's
Dictionary, under the word Solomon. B.
+ Some pretended
fragments of these books of conjurations of Solomon are still extant in
Fabricius's Cod. Pseudepigr. Vet. Test. page 1054. Though I entirely
differ from Josephus, in this opinion, that such books and arts of Solomon
were parts of that wisdom which was imparted to him by God in his younger
days. They must rather have belonged to such profane but curious
arts as we find mentioned, Acts xix. 13,20. and had been derived from the
idolatry and superstitions of heathen wives and concubines, in his old
age; when he had forsaken God, and God had forsaken him and given him up
to demoniacal delusions. Nor does Josephus's strange account of the
root Baara, Of the war, VII. 6, seem to be other than that of its magical
use in such conjurations. As for the following history it confirms
what Christ says, Matt. xii. 27. If I by Beelzebub cast out demons,
by whom do your sons cast them out?
Key of Solomon (Grand Clavicle
or Clavicula Salomonis)
Ascribed to King Solomon (Solomon Rabbi), the
Key of Solomon is one of the most popular grimoires in the Middle Ages,
dealing with rituals, the operations of magic, and the requisite preparations
for effective consummation. It is a system of planetary magick, more
straightforward than that described in the Ars Paulina (from the Lesser
Key of Solomon.) Most of the versions are in French or Latin, and
date from the eighteenth century, though the grimoire itself is much older.
The first century A.D. Josephus referred to a book
of incantations from summoning evil spirits, supposedly written by Solomon.
The books is divided thusly:
Introduction and Book One -- Concerning
the ceremonies and operations of the magickal art.
The Holy Pentacles -- The Pentacles or Medals
to be used in the magickal art, and the uses for which they are effective.
Book Two -- Concerning the proper behavior of
the Mage and his assistants, and the tools and materials of the magickal
A Greek version in the British Museum may
date back to the twelfth or thirteenth century. The Key was prohibited
as a dangerous work by the Inquisition; in 1559. There is a S. Liddell
MacGregor-Mathers edition of the Key of Solomon the King (Clavicula Salomonis),
now first translated and edited from ancient MSS. in the British Museum,
with plates, Redway, 1889, which includes "a Clear and Precise Exposition
of King Solomon's Secret Procedure, Its Mysteries and Magic Rites, Original
Plates, Seals, Charms and Talismans." Most of the other Grimoires were
inspired by this work.
A 1916 Mathers/deLaurence edition but contains
many useless additions by deLaurence. Some experts pretend that the many
versions all derive from an original written by the Rabbi Abognazar.
A copy of this work exists in the Miskatonic
University On Line Library
Here begynneth the Booke of Kynge Solomon called the Kay of
Knowledge. Clavicula Salomonis. Extat Latine: et Legi.
Cabalisttica: sed sophistica.
Orysons to be sayde, when you coniure.
A confession to be sayde before thou worke.
[No Ch 1-3.]
Ch 4 Here followeth, howe and after what sorte, Pentacles must be made;
wherein all the science of the Kay of Knowledge dependethe.
Ch 5 Here followeth, the way to worke, wch is the cheyfest chapiter
of all.
Ch 6 Here followeth, howe experimentes for things that are stolne,
ought to be wroughte.
Ch 7 Howe experiments to be invysible must be preparedd.
Ch 8 Howe and by what meanes, experiments of Love ought to be wrought,
as well in gettinge hyr, whome thou desyreste; as yn touchinge hir in her
sleape, or
talkynge wythe her.
Ch 9 Here followeth an other waye wherby yt ys brought to passe, that
she shall dream of the.
Ch 10 Of experimentes of favor and freyndshipp.
Ch 11 Howe experyments for hatred ar prepared that any may bee made
deadly enemyes.
Ch 12 An experiment to sayne a thinge to bee which indeade is false
whereby many men de deceyved as in playinge, or in showinge any other thinge.
Explicit. Thus endeth the fyrst booke of the kay of knowledge of Solamon.
Here begynnethe the Seconde Booke, of the key of Knowledge of Solamon.
Ch 1 Here followeth yn what hower experiments ought to be done.
Ch 2 Here followeth howe the coniurer ought to behave himselfe.
Ch 3 Howe his fellowes must behave them selves.
Ch 4 Of fastynge and watche.
Ch 5 Of Bathes, howe they muste be made.
Ch 6 The blyssynge of the Salte.
Ch 7 Heare followeth of apparrell.
Ch 8 Here followeth of the knyfe reqred in this Arte, and howe yt muste
bee made.
The forme and shape of ye knife, wth words and caracters. [Drawings
of weapons.]
Ch 9 Here followeth howe Circles, muste bee made, and howe you must
enter into them.
The manner to make Circles, shall bee showed, on the other syde of
this same leafe.
[Diagrams of two circles.]
Ch 10 Here followeth of water, and ysope.
Ch 11 Here followeth of ysope.
Ch 12 Here followeth of fyer and lighte.
Ch 13 Here followeth of penn and ynke.
Ch 14 Of the blode of a Batt, howe you muste worke by yt.
Ch 15 Here followeth of vyrgyn paper, or Parchment, called Membrana.
Ch 16 Howe you must worke wth waxe.
Ch 17 Here followeth of a nedle wherenth thou muste worke.
Ch 18 Here followeth of odours and perfumes, howe they ought to be
Ch 19 Here followeth the chapter, wherin is declared, what cloth you
muste use to putt yn your thinges necessary for your experyment.
Ch 20 Of the worke of ymages.
Ch 21 Of the howers to worke yn.
Ch 22 Here followeth, of the colors of the Planetts.
The manner and waye howe to make thy Pentacle, shalbe showed on the
other syde, next followynge.
Here followeth the manner howe to make the Pentacle. Caput Ultimum
et Praecipium.
[Diagram. Circles within squares.]
Here endeth the booke of Salomon the wise, called the Key of Knowledge.
The worke of Salomon the Wise called his Clavicle, Revealed
by King Ptolomeus ye Graecian.
Truly copyed verbu pro verbo by H:G: in Ann° Christo 1572 in mense
Aprielis circa octavo.
[magical diagram in the form of a square.]
The Prologue.
"Here begineth the prologue of ye Booke of Clavicles of Salomon containinge
the Secrets of all Secrets of all crafts magicall of Nigromancy, the which
booke of
Craftes as Ptolomei the most wisest philosopher on greece, doth testify.
Remember my sonne Roboam more dearer to me then Isaack, for I had all my
Scyience of
ye Creator or all Creatures. Roboam sayd what have I deserved. Why
should I in any case be likened to my father. Salomon sayd, I have revelation
by an Angell of
God, it chanced on night, in my sleepe I named the holy name of god.
Isaack and I desired to have the ineffable wisdome of god, for ye Angell
Raziell appeared to
me in my sleepe, shewinge this ennarration gently, Salomon, shut or
tye the secretts of secrets, for it shall be time that all wisdome shall
be destroyed and shall be
hydde and shall come to nothing, and ye shall know that time is nye..."
[Text in English with prayers in Latin.]
Here beginneth the first booke of the Clavicles of Secrets as the most
wisest philosopher, Ptolomy the Grecian sayeth.
Of which days, howres and poyntes nessesary and experiments magical.
Of arts magicall or nigromanticall, or of some spirits how they should
[Circle of the Art diagram.]
These prayers followinge ought to be sayed at your uprisinge.
The Rubrice of exorsization.
[First the ‘Conjuration’, then the ‘Admiration’]
After you have donne in the East and South, then say to the West and
North pts.
How and by what manner the pentacles be made.
Heare followeth the forme and manner of the pentacles or canderarin
How experiments should be made and ordayned for theft.
How experiments of invisability should be prepared.
How experiments of Love should be ordayned.
How experiments of grace and imprecration should be prepared.
How experiments of envy and destruction should be ordayned.
How experiments of mockinge and laughinge should be prepared.
How experiments extraordinary be prepared and ordayned.
Finis primi libri Claviculi Salomoni. Heare endeth the first prologue,
and heare beginnethe the Prologue of the 2nd Booke, as Ptolomeus the grecian
witnesseth, that
hath elucidated and made cleere the Secrett of secretts from obscure
Heare beginneth the rubrice of the 2nd Book.
[Text in English with prayers in Latin.]
Ch 1 What howres the artes and experiments ought to be fulfilled and
exercised when they be prepared.
Ch 2 Of Fastinge in Custody.
Ch 3 How the Coniurer should order himselfe.
Ch 4 Of Bathes and how they should be.
Ch 5 How the fellowes and scollers should doe.
Ch 6 Of Clothinge and Shooes.
Ch 7 Of Places where they should coniure, and where the crafts should
be excersised and made, and the experiments.
Ch 8 Of the knife, the Sword, Vel, arthano, or the instruments, by
means they worke in the Craft.
Ch 9 How the Circles be made, and how ye should enter into them.
Ch 10 Of the fumigations of all artes and experiments.
Ch 11 Of Water and Isope, and how ye should worke.
Ch 12 Of Light and Fyer, and how ye should worke with them.
Ch 13 Of the precepts of all artes and experiments.
Ch 14 Of Pen and Inke, and other colloures, and how ye should worke.
Ch 15 Of Virgin paper how ye should worke.
Ch 16 Of a Penne, and an instrument to write withall.
Ch 17 Of certain bloud necessary in artes and experiments.
Ch 18 Of a needle, and an Instrument of Iron, how to make them.
Ch 19 Of Caracters to be written, how they should be wrought.
Ch 20 Of the Sacrifice, and how it should be done and wrought.
Ch 21 Of the silke or linnen cloth to put the hallowed things in.
Ch 22 Of the worke of Images, and of Astronomy.”
Heare followeth one the other side the forme of the circle whosoever
be in such a circle shall be as sure as in a very stronge Castle wherein
he needeth to feare
Hic incipit opus mirabile et etia verissima de 40 annulis sapientissimi
[text in Latin]
[four square diagrams with enclosed circles.]
[Item 3 - Sepher Raziel.]
a printed version of this work can be
found as:
translated and edited from manuscripts in the
British Museum by S. LIDDELL MACGREGOR MATHERS, 127 pages, many illustrations
The Key of Solomon is the most famous, or infamous,
of all magical textbooks and influenced many of the other grimoires or
"grammars" of magical practice. This edition of the Key by MacGregor Mathers,
the influential nineteenth-century magician, had been out of print for
many years before this reissue with a new foreword by Richard Cavendish.
The Key of Solomon is of unknown but considerable antiquity. MacGregor
Mathers, who prepared the present edition from seven manuscripts in the
British museum, accepts the traditional authorship of King Solomon himself
for the work. The King instructs his disciples in incantations which will
summon and master the spirits. The processes of summoning these beings
illustrate the extraordinary and exhausting complexity of European ritual
magic-the choice of a favorable place and time, the preliminary prayers,
fastings and preparations, as well as the manufacturing of the magical
equipment, the robes, trappings and fumigations. This work is of interest
not only in making available the most celebrated of the European magical
texts, but because it is edited by MacGregor Mathers. He was, at the turn
of the century, head of the Order of the Golden Dawn, probably the most
gifted and influential of all modern magical groups. Mather's high-minded
detestation of black magic is very evident in this volume. The Key itself
amply demonstrates that the usual theoretical distinction between black
magic and white, evil magic and good, is not so simply drawn.
Lemegeton, also known as
the Lesser Key of Solomon.
This is a manuscript, now in the British
Museum and a 1724 transcription of the manuscript in the Miskatonic University
Library, describing the demoniac hierarchy. A collection of medieval and
post-medieval grimoires attributed to King Solomon. It is divided into
four parts - Goetia (Greek for 'Witchcraft'), Theurgia Goetia, The Pauline
Art, and the Almadel. The four main sections comprise a reasonably
complete system for invoking the forces of the magickal universe -- albeit
with some strange twists in the approach. A writer about 1500 mentions
the Almadel and Wier drew on the Goetia for his Pseudo-Monarchia Dæmonum.
The other three parts may have been added later. The origin and meaning
of the word 'Lemegeton' are unknown.
Lemegeton - The Complete Lesser Key of
by Mitch Henson (Editor), Jeff Wellman (Illustrator)
a printed version of this work can be found as:
edited by Mitch Henson, revised illustrations by Jeff Wellman, published
by Metatron Books 1999 trade size paperback, 96 pages. from the back cover
"This complete edition is the first printing since the MacGregor Mathers
- Aleister Crowley release of the Goetia in 1903. The full text of
Goetia, Theurgia Goetia, Pauline Arts and Almadel, with over 700 sigils
and illustrations in a single volume. The text is a careful collation from
the Sloane collection in the British Library, along with a careful rendering
of all previously published and unpublished drawings from the original
Clavicula Salomonis
Clavicula Salomonis (Am). Les Vraies Clavicules due Roi Salomon. Par
Clavicula Salomonis
Clavicula Solomonis or the little key of Solomon the king which containeth
all the names , orders, and efficacies of all spirits. Beg. 'In this booke
is contained the whole art of Solomon, although there be many other bookes
that is said to be his.'
Evocation of 72 demons associated with the Shemhamphorash,
and (in pairs) with the decanates of the zodiac. Most copies commercially
available are the substantially reformatted version of the Mathers/Crowley/deLaurence
a printed version of this work can be
found as:
THE GOETIA - The Lesser Key of Solomon the King
Translated by Samuel Liddell, MacGregor Mathers,
edited with an introduction by Aleister Crowley
Oh my Son Roboam! Seeing that of all Sciences
there is none more useful than the knowledge of Celestial Movements, I
have thought it more precious than all the riches which I have enjoyed.
And in order that thou mayest understand how I have arrived at this degree
(of wisdom), it is necessary to tell thee that one day, when I was meditating
upon the power of the Supreme Being, the Angel of the Great God appeared
before me as I was saying, O how wonderful are the works of God! This book
is the work of the two most influential magicians of the late 19th and
20th centuries. Aleister Crowley commissioned the work from Samuel Liddell
MacGregor Mathers (who also produced an English edition of the "greater"
Key of Solomon). It was first published in 1904, and the highly competitive
relationship of these two magicians forms a fascinating subtext to Crowley's
editing of the original edition, which includes his seminal essay, "The
Initiated Interpretation of Ceremonial Magic." Illustrations were
augmented with the engravings of Louis Breton and several original drawings
by Aleister Crowley.
Theurgia Goetia
The conjuration of 32 Aerial Spirits and their
servants, partly good and partly evil, who govern the points of the compass.
Ars Paulina or The Pauline
Part I: A system for invoking the Angels of the
Hours of the Day and Night, with an interesting astrological twist. Part
II: A system for invoking the "guardian angel" ruling the zodiac degree
under which the user is born. Possibly a precursor of, or inspiration
for, Dee's Heptarchia Mystica.
The Almadel
The Fourth Book of the Lemegeton. Perhaps
a steal from Ptolemy's Almagest (Tabrir al Magesthi) which is an astronomical
Evocation of the Angels of the four "Altitudes"
(or four directions: North East, South, and West), who rule the equinoctial
and solstice points, the seasons, and the signs of the zodiac.
A copy of this work exists in the Miskatonic
University On Line Library
A version of this has been published
THE GRIMOIRE OF ARMADEL - Translated and edited
from the ancient manuscript in the Library of the Arsenal, Paris, translation
by S. L. MacGregor Mathers Comte de Glanstrae
The Grimoire of Armadel is a do-it-yourself text
book of Ceremonial magick. It has been translated from an ancient manuscript
kept at the Bibliotheque d'Arsenal in Paris, and is similar to the famous
Key of Solomon and Cornelius Agrippa's Occult Philosophy. The Armadel appears
to have been circulated only in manuscript form. One of the most interesting
features of this, its first printed edition, is the translation and notes
by S. L MacGregor Mathers: magician, key member of the Order of the Golden
Dawn and tutor to Aleister Crowley. Written in the 17th century, the Grimoire
contains detailed descriptions of the natures and offices of the various
evil spirits. The sigils-seals supposedly giving power over demons-appropriate
to the spirits are reproduced together with their practical uses, according
to the particular aspect of the astral world which the reader wants to
investigate. The many spells covered are accompanied by diagrams and conjuring
tables following the method used in the original French. Samuel Liddell
MacGregor Mathers (1854-1918) was a prominent scholar and leader of the
occult movement in Britain at the turn of the century. A life-long fascination
with mysticism and Celtic symbology led Mathers to hold high office in
the Societas Rosicrucian Society of England), where he met Dr. William
Wynn-Westcott and Dr. William Woodman with whom he founded the Hermetic
Order of the Golden Dawn. While he studied on behalf of the G. D., he became
a tutor to Aleister Crowley. After two years, Crowley was expelled from
the order, due to the efforts of W. B. Yeats, a prominent G. D. member.
Eventually, Mathers himself was forced to leave.
Ars Notoria
The Magical Art of Solomon, Showing the Cabalistic
Key of Magical Operations, Written Originally in Latin and Now Englished
by Robert Turner, (Sloane MS. 3648, British Library, London), published
by him in 1607. Also 1657
A dense and difficult document, but one which
had a profound influence on John Dee and other Renaissance mages. Describes
a system for attaining to knowledge and skill in the Liberal and Mechanical
Arts through prayers and special invocations in "barbarous tongues"
Recommended for the Adept or Serious Student of Occult Sciences.
"The Ars Notoria, or
the Magical art of memory, flourished during the Middle Ages, although
its origins are attributed to Solomon and Apollonius of Tyana, it was a
process by which the Magician could infinitely gain knowledge or memory
of all the arts and sciences . Each branch of knowledge or subject area
was assigned a set of Magical Seals and Characters, known as Notae. To
set the process into operation, the appropriate Notae were contemplated
whilst reciting angelic names and Magical orisons. However, it was regarded
as a diabolical form of magic, since the knowledge was quickly acquired
from "demons" without honest study."
Simply put, this book
is the Magickal methodology (or Grimoire) for the invocation of spirits
for the purpose of controlling one's memory or mind. Inclusions are:
Magical Operations, The Liberal Sciences, Devine Revelation and the Art
of Memory, The Oration, Notes of All Arts, For Eloquence and Stability
of Mind, To Comfort the Outward and Inward Senses, To Recover Intellectual
Wisdom, For the Memory, The Manner of Consecrating the Figure of Memory,
The Following Oration has Power To Expel all Lusts...
Ars notoria
Catalogue reads: item liber continens septem libros parciales, qui dicitur
Angelus magnus vel secreta secretorum, et est de arte notoria | Salomonis,
et non debet rudibus exponi.
Ars Nova
A rather peculiar small book of prayers and orations. More an appendix
to the Goetia than a book in its own right.
Grimoirium Verum or the
Most Approved Keys of Solomon the Hebrew Rabbin where in Most Hidden Secrets
both Natural and Supernatural, are immediately exhibited, but it is necessary
that the Demons should be contented on their part. Translated from the
Hebrew by Palingiere, a Dominican Jesuit, with a Collection of Curious
Secrets. Published by Alibeck the Egyptian, 1517.
On the reverse of the title pase it reads
"The True Clavicles of Solomon. Memphis. Published by Alibeck the Egyptian."
But it probably dates from the eighteenth century and "Memphis" is Rome.
The first part is similar to the Lemegeton while the second shares much
with the pretended Albertus Magnus and the "Little Albert."
A copy of this work exists in the Miskatonic
University On Line Library
Grimoirium Verum
The True Grimoire
The Most Approved Keys
Solomon, The Hebrew Rabbi
Wherein The Most Hidden Secrets,
Both Natural And Supernatural
Are Immediately Exhibited.
Modo operator per necessaria et contenta
facit scia tamen oportit Daemonum
potentia dum taxat per agantur.
Translated From The Hebrew
Jesuit Dominicane.
with a Curious collection of Rare and Astounding Magical Secrets.
Edited, With A Preface By
James Banner, Gent.
Originally Published By
Alibeck The AEgyptian
at Memphis
The Grand Grimoire, with
the Powerful Clavicle of Solomon and of Black Magic; or the Infernal Devices
of the Great Agrippa for the Discovery of all Hidden Treasures and the
Subjugation of every Denomination of Spirits, together with an Abridgement
of all the Magical Arts.
Also called The Great Grimoire. In its
earliest edition it has neither date nor place of publishing. The supposed
author or translator is Antonio Venitiana del Rabina. Probably of the eighteenth
century. It is the most diabolic of the grimoires, though some contest
that the Grimoire of Honorius is the the most dangerous of Black Magick
(SEE: True
Black Magic and True Grimoire)
The Grand Grimoiere: The art of
Controlling Celestial, Aerial, Terrestrial, and Infernal spirits.
Le Grand Grimoire also know as
"The Red Book" may be considered a step by step manual for contacting,
and controlling Infernal spirits et al. Though not complete in many aspects
it is considered a invaluable resource to most practitioners of the Art.
As with many of the ancient books on conjuration many belief the wording
has been misinterpreted during translations. Whether accidental, intentional,
or at all would prove a difficult manner to verify without the original
texts. The Grand Grimoire to date is available in French (assumed original
text), and English. It's availably is considered rare at best. With used
copies appearing occasionally mostly in stores dealing with occult based
literature. Be prepared to pay top dollar for a half decent copy of the
original manuscript.
The First two chapters concern dealings
with, and controlling the Infernal spirits with a break down of there leadership
structure as based on main stream European religion. Covering every aspect
from preparation to the evocations n' pacts used with dealings of such
a nature. Found within the covers of this compendium is a who's who of
the main stream European based underworld complete with what spirits to
call upon for desired services, and what to expect when said
spirits are evoked.
The Hierarchy of the Infernal Spirits
Lucifer (Emperor)
Belzebut (Prince) Astarot (Grand
Lucifuge (Prim Minister) Satanachia (Grand General)
Agaliaarept (General) Fleurety
(Lieutenant General) Sargatanas (Brigadier)
Nebrius (Marech de camp)
Subservient to
Lucifuge Bael
Agares Marbas |
Satanachia Pruslas
Aamon Barbatos
Fleurety Bathim
Pursan Abigar
Agaliarept Buer
Gusoyn Botis |
Sargatanas Loray
Valefa Forau. |
Nebrius Ayperos
Nuberus Glasyabolas |
This book also contains formulas, and other secrets
of the magical arts including how to turn copper into gold, and how to
win every time one plays the lottery. Listed below is a sampling of the
spell work that is contained in this ancient book. As with anything of
such a nature we do not advocate nor do we suggest you perform anything
illegal, or immoral. The following is for informational purposes
only, and should not be considered modern magical practices by any means.
To Make One Dance Completely Naked
On Eve of St. John the Baptist, collect at midnight,
three walnut leaves, three marjoram plants, three mirthe plants, and three
vervain plants. Dry it all in the shade, and make it into a powder.
Then throw some like a small pinch of tobacco into the air of the room
where the people are whom you wish to enjoy.
To Make Oneself Invisible
Take a black cat, and buy a new pot, a mirror,
a lighter, a stone of agate, coal and tinder. Gather water from a fountain
at the strike of midnight. Light your fire, and afterwards put the cat
in the pot. Hold the cover with your left hand without moving nor looking
behind you, no matter what noises you may hear; and after having made it
boil 24 hours, put it on a new dish. Take the meat and throw it overcoat
your left shoulder, saying these words: 'accipe quod tibi do, et nihil
ampliùs' (Accept my offering, and don't delay). Then
put the bones one by one under the teeth on the left side, while looking
at yourself in the mirror; and if they are no good, throw them away in
the same manner, repeating the same words until you find the right bone;
and as soon you cannot see yourself any more in the mirror, withdraw, moving
backwards, while saying: Pater, in manus tuas commendo spiritum meum. (Father,
into your hands I commend my spirit.)
Composition of the plaster to make ten miles per
Take two ounces of human fat, one ounce of oil
of stag, one ounce of oil of bay-tree, one ounce of fat of stag, one ounce
of natural mummy, a half-cup of spirit of wine, and seven vervain leaves.
Boil the whole in a new pot, until half-reduction, then form a plaster
of it on new skin, and when you apply it on the spleen, you go like the
wind. To not be sick when you are done, take three drops of blood in a
glass of white wine.
from -
by Darcy Kuntz
This is a unique opportunity to obtain a New
issue of this obscure title.
from the editor: With the Powerful Clavicle
of Solomon, and Black Magic; or, The Infernal Devices of the Great Agrippa
for the Discovery of all Hidden Treasures and the Subjugation of every
Denomination of Spirits; Together with an abridgement of all the Magical
...for us to afford
the readers of The Unknown World an opportunity to judge for themselves
as to the importance and value of the ritual of Black Magic, which was
circulated in Europe during the sixteenth and succeeding centuries.
The Grand Grimoire is
the most fantastic of the cycle, and is introduced with great pomp by its
pretended editor, Antonio Venitiana del Rabina, a personage whose name
indicates the Italian origin of the work. By reason of its rarity and the
great request in which it is, we are informed that it must be regarded
as the veritable Magnum Opus, a view which may appear inconsequential,
but for which the authority of Rabbinical writers is cited. It is to these
authors that we owe the priceless treasure which innumerable charlatans
have endeavoured to counterfeit, but have never succeeded in discovering.
The copy made use of by Antonio in preparing his edition was transcribed
from the genuine writings of the mighty King Solomon, which were obtained
by pure chance...
The Grand Grimoire is
divided into two parts, the first containing the evocation of Lucifuge
Rofocalez by means of the Blasting Rod, the second what Antonio inscrutably
regards as the Sanctum Regnum, namely, the Rite of making Pacts; but one
of the most notable characteristics of all the Grimoires is not their diabolical
malice, but their unconscious ingenuousness, and the devout, almost laudable,
character of all the operations seems to have been quite sincerely held.
The Grand Grimoire is,
however, regarded as one of the most atrocious of its class; it has a process
in Necromancy which is possible, say occult writers, only to a dangerous
maniac or an irreclaimable criminal. It must be admitted that the Rite
is highly unreasonable, but in dealing with such literature it seems unsafe
to advance the objection, for it applies much too widely. As to its criminality,
this centres in the creation of a disturbance at midnight Mass on Christmas
Eve. There is further an account of a poison entitled "The Composition
of Death, or Philosophical Stone," which is supposed to indicate an advanced
degree of diabolism. Eliphas Levi says that it pretends to be the Powder
of Projection, the great Mystery of the Sages, but it is really the Powder
of Consecution-as to the significance of which a vague image can alone
be invoked. It may, in any case, be added that it cannot well be either,
seeing that the composition is a liquid. For the rest, it is simply a stupid
recipe, and as no unlawful application is suggested, it is not diabolical
at all, unless toxicology, as such, is Satanic simply because it does not
deal in anodynes.
There is, of course,
no question that the Grand Grimoire is a book of Black Magic, and it is
contrary to the nature of things that a book of Black Magic should be otherwise
than diabolical...
Publisher: Holmes Pages:
Red Dragon.
A version of the Grand Grimoire.
a printed version of this is now available
Red Dragon
edited/translated by Robert Blanchard
Along with the Grimoire of Honorius and the Grimorium
Verum, this is THE source of black magic and demonic evocation. Slightly
lighter texts such as the Lemegeton (Lesser key of Solomon) and Agrippa's
books of occult philosophy should, however, pre-empt any investigation
into the more serious matters of demonology, if only to give an idea of
what the craft entails. Book includes the original French version
as well as the English translation. As any true occultist knows the French
versions of occult texts were changed the least of any other writing from
ancient times.Italian books were edited the most by Church in that country
and offer the worst possible source of information.
Testament of Solomon
In Greek, (A.D. 100-400), the Testament
of Solomon is based on the Old Testament and describes the building of
the Temple by King Solomon with demoniac aid and the names and functions
of the demoniac powers.
True Grimoire
A medieval magic manual
(SEE: True
Black Magic and Grimoirium Verum)
True Black Magic or The
Secret of Secrets
A manuscript, found in Jerusalem in the
Sepulchre of Solomon, containing: 1. Forty-five Talismans with their representations,
as also the manner of using them, together with their Marvelous Properties.
2. All Magical Characters known unto this day. Translated from the Hebrew
of the Magus Iroe-Grego. Rome. In the year of grace, 1750.
It is an adapted version of the Key of
(SEE: True
Grimoire and Grimoirium Verum)
Liber Rasielis? (liber continens septem libros parciales, qui
dicitur Angelus magnus vel secreta secretorum)
The cataloguer identifies the text as an ars notoria in seven books.
By the first two titles, this could also be the Liber Rasielis.
Liber Juratus
The Liber Juratus is usually accociated with Pope Honorius III.
This version seems to make the link to Solomon.
Liber sacer or Liber iuratus
'Liber sacer or Liber juratus [council of necromancers; necromancy].
26 fols. Salomonis opus sacrum ab Honorico ordinatum, tractatus de arte
magica; folia sic in ordinem redigenda 9-16, 1-8, 17. Incomplete version.
Only gets to second section.
Ars artium
Also 'Hic incipt ars artium, quae primum scripta fuit per Regem Salomon.
:' etc. Or, prayers and devout exercises to be used at the invocation and
appearance of Angels. ff. art. VII, 123a, 124ab. In an unknown old hand.