81 |
1981 |
(BBC-TV) 1981, C-185 minutes
Director: Alastair Reid; Script: David Rudkin
Cast: Siv Borg (Pastor's wife),
Sylvia Coleridge (Gorgon scholar), Roland Curram (Asrael), Daniel
Day-Lewis (Exhibitioner), Sevilla Delofski (Magog), Cornelius Garrett (Pastor),
Dan O'Herlihy (Von Drachenfels), Hywel Bennett, Dinah Stabb, Sting, Anthony
Steel, Ingrid Pitt |
This television movie, set
in the future, has definite Lovecraftian overtones. A pagan statue
from a Danish museum is stolen, bringing death to those who come into contact
with it: meanwhile, Von Drachenfels, an old musician, is terrified that
a curse upon him will cause the devastation of the Earth. Unfortunately,
this promising narrative soon becomes confused, thanks to pretentious dreamlike
sequences and a sub-plot involving a race of replacement humans hidden
beneath the hills of Britain. At three hours, too long.
SYNOPSIS: Paranormal novelist Gideon Harlax
is drawn into a battle between the forces of good, represented by alien
angel Helith, and the forces of evil, represented by Helith's evil brother
Asrael. Ranging from Oxford to Denmark, a North Sea ferry to an alien
planet, Harlax unwittingly becomes part of an ancient plot that may result
in the destruction of Earth...
Doors of Death |
1981 |
(Fulvia Film) 1981, (Language: Italian) C-82(It)/87(USA) minutes
[Original title: E TU VIVRAL NEL TERRORE!...L'Aldila:
U.K. title: THE BEYOND]
Also Known As:
Aldilà, L' (1981)
And You Will Live in Terror: The Afterlife
Beyond, The (1981)
Seven Doors of Death (1981)
Director: "Louis Fuller" Lucio Fulci; Producer:
Fabrizio De Angelis; Script: Lucio Fulci, Giorgio Mariuzzo, Dardano Sacchetti,
story by Dardano Sacchetti; Music: Fabio Frizzi
Cast: Catriona MacColl (Liza Merril) (as Katherine
MacColl), David Warbeck (Dr. John McCabe), Cinzia Monreale (Emily} (as
Sarah Keller), Antoine Saint-John (Schweick), Veronica Lazar (Martha)
movies generally contain references to Lovecraft. Here he uses the non-Lovecraftian
but Mythos "Book of Eibon." It shows up in an incoherent story involving
evil zombies from the netherworld returning to life when one of the seven
gateways to Hell is opened in New Orleans. This gruesome thriller
has a promising start, but quickly dissolves into "banal dialogue, terrible
dubbing, and an army of flesh-tearing zombies."
SYNOPSIS: The cellar of an old
hotel is built on top of the door to the beyond. Bloody zombies roam
there. A young woman who inherits the hotel wants to restore it.
She is confronted with strange events: a painter has a lethal fall, the
plumber vanishes, and her friend breaks his neck. When she escapes
to the hospital of a friendly doctor, she doesn't know what a nightmare
is waiting there... IMDB Summary written by Matthias Luehr {mluehr@htwm.de}
IMDB COMMENT: GradeZ, Rockville,
Maryland, USA
Fulci's masterpiece is by far
one of the best Italian gore flicks of the eighties. This is a truly
remarkable film, boasting superb cinematography and excellent gore effects.
Fulci captures the eerie atmosphere and dark visions of hell in a horrifying
climax that has never quite been matched by any other filmmaker. If possible,
see this in it's original uncut and letterboxed state, it is absolutely
one of the most beautifully visual horror films ever made. The haunting
score is an excellent example of Fabio Fabrizzi's finer musical works.
This is the best of Fulci's three great horror films (the others being
The House by the Cemetary and The Gates of Hell) which all, coincidentally
starred MacColl.
Gates of Hell
Paura nella città dei
morti viventi |
1980 |
1983, (Language: Italian) C-90 minutes
Also Known As:
City of the Living Dead (1980)
Fear in the City of the Living Dead (1980)
Fear, The (1980/II)
Gates of Hell, The (1981) (USA)
Pater Thomas (1980) (Europe: bootleg title)
Twilight of the Dead (1980)
Director: "Louis Fuller" Lucio Fulci; Producer:
Giovanni Masini, Robert E. Warner (exec producer USA); Script: Lucio Fulci,
Dardano Sacchetti; Music: Fabio Frizzi
Cast: Christopher George (Peter Bell), Catriona
MacColl (Mary Woodhouse) (as Katriona MacColl), Carlo De Mejo (Gerry),
Antonella Interlenghi (Emily Robbins), Giovanni Lombardo Radice (Bob),
Daniela Doria (Rose Kelvin), Fabrizio Jovine (Father William Thomas)
gory flick about a suicidal priest and homicidal zombies. The Lovecraft
connection is that it is set in Dunwich, Massachusetts.
SYNOPSIS: In the small New England town of
Dunwich, a priest commits suicide by hanging himself in the church cemetary
which somehow opens the gates of hell allowing the dead to rise. Peter,
a New York City reporter, teams up with a young psychic, named Mary, to
travel to the town where they team up with another couple, psychiatrist
Jerry and patient Sandra, to find a way to close the gates before All Saints
Day or the dead all over the world will rise up and kill the living. -
Matthew Patay (pataygs@voicenet.com}
by the Cemetery |
1981 |
Director: Lucio Fulci |
Another Fulci flick with a Mythos theme. This
one is sort of a sinister twist on 'Cold Air', only the scientist need
fresh body parts to rejuvinate his tissues. It's plenty gory and surreal
like most of Fulci's horror flicks!!! |
Thing |
1982 |
USA, 1982, C-109, Technicolor / Dolby, Language:
English / Norwegian, Complete title: John Carpenter's The Thing (1982)
Certification: Australia:MA / Australia:R (original certificate) / Finland:K-18
/ France:-12 / Hong Kong:III / Ireland:18 / Norway:18 / Sweden:15 / UK:18
/ USA:R / West Germany:18
Director: John Carpenter; Writer: John W. Campbell
Jr. (story), Bill Lancaster
Cast: Kurt Russell (R.J. MacReady), Wilford
Brimley (Dr. Blair), T.K. Carter (Nauls), David Clennon (Palmer), Keith
David (Childs), Richard A. Dysart (Dr. Copper), Charles Hallahan (Norris),
Peter Maloney (Bennings), Richard Masur (Clark), Donald Moffat (Garry) |
An American scientific expedition to the frozen
wastes of the Antarctic is interrupted by a group of seemingly mad Norwegians
pursuing and shooting a dog. The helicopter pursuing the dog crashes leaving
no explanation for the chase. During the night, the dog mutates and attacks
other dogs in the cage and members of the team that investigate. The team
soon realises that an alien life-form with the ability to take over other
bodies is on the loose and they don't know who may already have been taken
over. - Summary written by Goth {brooks@odie.ee.wits.ac.za} |
Evil Dead |
1983 |
C-85 minutes
Also Known As:
Book of the Dead (1981) (USA: première
Evil Dead, the Ultimate Experience in Grueling
Horror, The (1982) (closing credits title)
Into the Woods (1979) (USA: working title)
Director /script: Sam Raimi; Producer: Robert
Tapert; Music: Joseph LoDuca
Cast: Bruce Campbell (Ashley J. "Ash" Williams),
Ellen Sandweiss (Cheryl), Betsy Baker (Linda), Hal Delrich (Scotty), Sarah
York (Shelly)
Sam Raimi,
in his directing debut, looks to capture some of the eerie backwoods feeling
HPL could create in words. It is a copy of the Necronomicon which
sets off this zombie movie (zombies seem to be one of the elements of horror
Lovecraft never really touched on). The alternate title is "Book
of the Dead," which Lovecraft claims is a translation of "Necronomicon."
"Tom Sullivan, well-known as
an artist for the “Call of Cthulhu” roleplaying game, created the special
make-up effects for the film, as well as the copy of the Necronomicon."
SYNOPSIS: Five friends go to
a cabin in the woods for a vacation. They discover The Book of the Dead
and a tape recorder belonging to a professor, who also owns the cabin.
One of them plays back what is recorded on the tape-- which just happens
to be Candarian resurrection passages translated from the Necronomicon
(Book of the Dead) by the professor, which unleashes an evil force from
the woods. The people start turning into evil deadites, and the others
soon learn from the tape that the only way to kill a person who is turned
into a deadite is by total body dismemberment. People are dying left and
right; one girl early in the film looses control and runs off into the
woods, only to be raped and killed by the trees. - Summary by Ash
Gramma |
1983 |
The Twilight Zone: USA (CBS-TV) 1985.
Director: Bradford May; Script: Harlan
Cast: Barrett Oliver, Darlanne Fluegel,
Fredrick Long |
"A young boy (Oliver) is
left along with his horrible grandmother, who is a witch. Lovecratian references
include the Necornomicon and varous Mythos names invoked as part of the
old woman's spells."
Harlan Ellison adapted the Stephen King story
for this 19 minutes episode of The Twilight Zone. It was originally
to be directed by William Friedkin. When Friedkin had to bow out,
cinematographer Bradford May stepped in as director.
Re-Animator |
1985 |
(Re-animator Productions / Empire Pictures) (Language: English / German)Color
(DeLuxe) 1985/1986. 86 / USA:95 (unrated version) minutes
Director. Stuart Gordon; Producer: Brian Yuzna;
Script. Dennis Paoli, William J. Norris, Stuart Gordon based on Herbert
West: Reanimator; Music: Richard Band
Cast: Jeffrey Combs (Herbert West), Bruce Abbott
(Dan Cain), Barbara Crampton (Megan Halsey), David Gale (Dr. Carl Hill),
Robert Sampson (Dean Alan Halsey), Gerry Black (Mace, Miskatonic Security
Guard), Carolyn Purdy-Gordon (Dr. Harrod)
it's still not the great Lovecraft adaptation but it is funny as hell (literally).
This gory tongue-in-cheek horror romp would have been a hit with or without
the Lovecraft name.
"H.P. Lovecraft finally got his
name above the title in this wild, outrageous low budget horror/comedy
loosely based on ... Released unrated in America because of the gore, and
one fo the best scenes cut by the UK censor. Still, Gordon directs with
a nice sense of manic fun, and although the film is hardly Lovecraftian
in tone, it made enough money at the box office to create a mini Lovecraft
boom during the late Eighties." "This movie is so gross it crosses the
line (quite intentionally) into humor, although never at the expense of
the story. What the bad guy, who is reduced to carrying his head around
under his arm, almost does to the heroine at the end it not to be missed,
and the entire final sequence it Grand Guignol unequalled even by Romero.
"Though a wonderful exercise in Grand Guignol it is not as much a Lovecraft
picture as a spoof of horror."
SYNOPSIS: In this H.P. Lovecraft
tale, Herbert West is a Swiss scientist who has discovered a fluid which
brings living tissue back to life. After the suspicious death of his professor
in Switzerland, West moves to Miskatonic University to continue his research.
He involves fellow student Dan Cain and his fiancée Megan Halsey
in his research by experimenting on their dead cat. Dan, fascinated by
West's research, agrees to smuggle him into the hospital morgue with predictable
results. - Goth {brooks@odie.ee.wits.ac.za}
Beyond |
1986 |
(Taryn Productions / Empire Pictures) 1986. 85 minutes
Exec Producer: Charles Band, Bruce William
Curtis; Director: Stuart Gordon; Producer: Brian Yuzna; Script: Dennis
Paoli, Stuart Gordon, Brian Yuzna; Music: Richard Band
Cast: Jeffrey Combs, Barbara Crampton,
Ted Sorrel, Ken Foree, Carolyn Purdy-Gordon.
Complete credited cast: Jeffrey Combs
(Crawford Tillinghast), Barbara Crampton (Dr. Katherine McMichaels), Ken
Foree (Leroy 'Bubba' Brown), Ted Sorel (Dr. Edward Pretorius), Carolyn
Purdy-Gordon (Dr. Bloch), Bunny Summers (Neighbor Lady), Bruce McGuire
(Jordan Fields), Regina Bleesz (Bondage Girl)
of the few movies that are reasonably faithful to Lovecraft - if you overlook
the erotic aspects.
"Very loosely based on one of
Lovecraft's lesser tales, this attempt by the same director, writer, and
stars of Re-animator to out-gross the success of that earlier film falls
because of its B movie mentality."
"Another Graphic horror film
from the Re-animator people. Sorel plays a scientist whose experiments
with a dormant sensory organ in the human brain lead to monstrous being
from another dimension invading ours. Fast-paced, with generous amounts
of scares and humor."
SYNOPSIS: Doctor Pretorius and
his colleague work on a sensational experiment: by means of stimulation
of the pineal gland they want to open mind for higher dimensions. When
the experiment succeeds, they are immediately attacked by terrible life
forms, who seem to be floating around us all the time. When Pretorius is
killed by one of them, Dr. Tillinghast is under suspect and thrown into
psychatry due to his stories. Only the ambitious psychologist Dr. McMichaels
believes him and wants to continue the experiment. - Tom Zoerner {Tom.Zoerner@informatik.uni-erlangen.de}
SYNOPSIS 2: Crawford Tillinghast
activates a device designed to stimulates the pineal gland with resonant
vibrations. It allows him to see creatures that exist in another dimension
- but the creatures turn and bite off the head of his superior Edward Pretorious.
Tillinghast is placed in an asylum. Psychiatrist Katharine MacMichaels
is sent to see if Tillinghast is sane enough to stand trial for Pretorious’s
murder. Impressed by his patient rationality, she has him released into
her care and they return to the house to set the experiment up again. Only
this time they succeed in unleashing the creatures from beyond with nightmarish
1986 |
Real Ghostbusters - Japan/USA (Columbia Pictures Television) 1986.
Voices: Arsenio Hall, Maurice La Marche, Lorenzo
Music, Laura Summer, Frank Welker.
the oddest entry in this HPL filmography. This episode of the popular children's
TV cartoon series, based on the blockbuster moview, has the ghostbusters
visiting Arkham on the trail of a stolen copy of the Necronomicon.
Writer Michael Reaves:
"I wrote "The Collect Call Of Cthulhu" in 1986 for the animated TV series
The Real Ghostbusters. Those familiar with the works of H.P. Lovecraft
will recognize it as a parody of his story "The Call Of Cthulhu", written
in 1928 for Weird Tales Magazine. The episode is a tongue-in-cheek collision
between the Ghostbusters team and Lovecraft's famous "Cthulhu Mythos".
What aired is pretty much what I wrote, save for some character beats that
were cut for time. (Aficionados of the genre will recognize references
to Lovecraft Circle members Clark Ashton Smith, August Derelith and Robert
E. Howard, as well as more contemporary Mythos writers Karl Edward Wagner
and T.E.D. Klein -- the latter sent me a note asking if I could guarantee
him tenure at Miskatonic University.)"
Read the script: http://www.mindspring.com/~michaelreaves/callpreface.htm
http://www.mindspring.com/~michaelreaves/Collectcall.htm |
About |
19866. |
Real Ghostbusters - Japan/USA (Columbia Pictures Television) 1986.
Scr: J. Michael Straczynski.
Voices: Arsenio Hall, Maurice La Marche, Lorenzo
Music, Laura Summer, Frank Welker. |
Besides the
pun (they are "Rushing About"), this episode is perhaps most interesting
for the writer: J. Michael Straczynski, who is the creator of "Babylon
Peter: "*Whew* Why on earth would
anyone make all these four foot high terraces?"
Egon: "They're not terraces,
Peter. They're steps..."
The story takes the Ghostbusters to Russia for some lecture (during which
a scientist claims that the Titanic really crashed because it ran into
Elvis). The GBs eventually are called to action when a book (can't remember
what it was called, but it was obviously supposed to be the Necronomicon)
is stolen. The book is eventually used by a cult (again) to summon one
(or several, I can't remember) of the Old Ones. The Old One(s) start emerging
from a deep pit, but the GBs set their packs on overload and blow them
Evil |
1987 |
(1987) C-107 minutes
Director: Roger Evans; Producer: Jill Clark,
Hal Payne; Script: Freeman Williams; Music: Marianne Pendino, Rod Slane
Cast: Red Mitchell (Marc), Tracey Huffman (Reggie),
Charles L. Trotter (Leo), Diane Johnson (Holly), Howard Jacobsen (Nash),
Kent H. Johnson (Zombie), Susan Lunt (Julie), Jeffrey Lane (Jay)
this horribly amateurish film, a cult that worships “Yog Kothag” kills
several people and is then tracked down by the sole survivor of the massacre.
There are references to the Necronomicon, the “Lost Gods,” and The Gate
and the Key by C.D. Ward."
SYNOPSIS: One night at a cabin
retreat, Marc Denning became the sole survivor of a bloody massacre which
claimed the lives of his lover, his brother, and three friends. Shortly
after the murders, he begins to look for answers that will explain the
slaughter, and soon he uncovers a plot by a mysterious and supernatural
cult which for many years has been responsible for a series of periodic
ritual murders. Their aim is to bring about the return of "Yog Kothag",
an ancient god who was so evil that he was banished from Earth centuries
ago. - Patrick D. Rockwell (prockwell@thegrid.net}
COMMENT: mdb451, Okla. City
Why did I like this movie? This movie
has bad everything. Bad acting(by actors I have never seen before),laughable
special effects,awful writing.The only thing good I can say is that it
was consistent.Bad! So why did I get into the story so much? Why do I keep
renting it? Go figure...
Dead II |
1987 |
USA (Rosebud Releasing Corp.)
1987, 85 minutes
Director: Sam Raimi
Cast: Bruce Campbell (Ash), Sarah Berry (Annie
Knowby), Dan Hicks (Jake), Kassie Wesley (Bobby Joe), Theodore Raimi (Possessed
Henrietta), Denise Bixler (Linda), Richard Domeier (Ed Getley)
"Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell
return in what seems to be more a re-make of, than a sequel to, The Evil
Dead. Fans seem to enjoy this film ever so slightly more than its predecessor.
" |
Pounders |
1987/88. |
USA (Empire Pictures) 1987/88
Producer / Director: Charles Band; Script.
Dennis Paoli.
Cast: Barbara Crampton, Jeffrey Combs,
David Gale, Una Brandon-Jones, David Warner.
attempt to put a trio of Empire's biggest hits into one film. The Trancer's
episode was expanded into an entertaining, full length film. The HPL adaptation
remains in limbo. |
of Randolph Carter |
1987. |
USA (The HP Lovecraft Historical
Society/The Colorado College) circa 1987.
Director / script: Andrew Leman; Producer:
Andrew Leman, Philip Bell; Music: Justin Miller
Cast: Darrell Tyler (Randolph Carter, Sean
Branney (Prof. Harley Warren), Phil Bell, Judy Ruha, William Mark Hulings,
Joseph Reorda.
amateur adaptation of HPL's The Statement of Randolph Carter.
The Testimony of Randolph Carter
is based on Lovecraft's "The Statement of Randolph Carter," with some additional
story material lifted from other Carter tales, especially "Through the
Gates of the Silver Key." The film was shot on VHS using home equipment
in 1987. It was filmed at various locations throughout Colorado.
Part of the budget came from The Colorado College Award in Literature,
a grant to fund independent educational projects.
The film begins with Randolph
Carter on a witness stand in a non-realistic courtroom of some kind. (Is
it a trial? Is it the manifestation of a guilty conscience? Or is it just
a low-budget production?) Whatever it is, Carter begins to tell the story
of what happened to him and his friend Harley Warren. Under the interrogation
of two attorneys, the story shifts into flashback mode.
Harley Warren receives a mysterious
but important book, which he is unwilling to let Carter examine. Their
friendship is strained as Warren becomes increasingly obsessed and secretive
about his studies. But Carter stands by his friend, despite a number of
disturbing nightmares. Late one night, when Warren has fallen asleep at
his desk, Carter finally gets a chance to look at the forbidden book, and
it is nothing like he expects. It contains writing that no human should
be able to read....
Finally, Warren asks Carter for
help in completing his research, and Carter agrees to accompany him to
an ancient graveyard. There they find a tomb sealed with an Elder Sign,
and open it. Warren takes some field telephone gear and descends into the
crypt, leaving Carter alone on the surface.
The story then shifts back to
the "courtroom," where Carter breaks down from the nervous strain of remembering
what happened next. His lawyer, like Warren himself, persists in seeking
forbidden knowledge, as the court stenographer takes it all down. The judge
compels Carter to answer the lawyer's questions, and for Lovecraft's classic
ending the story returns to the graveyard.
Curse |
1987. |
World Entertainment) 1987. C-92 minutes
Also Known As:
Farm, The (1987)
Well, The (1987) (USA: original script title)
Director: David Keith; Producer: Ovidio G.
Assonitis; Script: David Chaskin; Music: Franco Micalizzi
Cast: Wil Wheaton (Zachary Hayes), Claude Akins
(Nathan Hayes), Malcolm Danare (Cyrus), Cooper Huckabee (Doctor Alan Forbes),
John Schneider (Carl Willis), Amy Wheaton (Alice Hayes), Malcolm Danare
In this second adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft's story "The Colour out of
Space," a huge, glowing meteorite falls on a farm in Tellico Plains, Tennesse.
After the meteorite melts into the soil, strange mutations occur on the
farm. The fruit and livestock become filled with maggots, cabbage and chickens
become filled with green slime, and certain members of the farm family
become swollen, slime-drooling mutants. Now two of the farmer's children
who wisely avoided the meteorite's contamination seek outside help.
Actor David Keith makes a striking
directorial debut in this horror sotyr about a meteorite that crashes into
a farm and turns the inhabitatns into lunatics. From the same H. P. Lovecraft
story previously filmed as Die, Monster, Die!. As if Monster of Terror
wasn't bad enough, actor David Keith decided to make another version of
Lovecraft's The Colour out of Space, and the result went straight to video.
Titled The Farm during shooting. It came and went, one of the few Lovecraft
projects of the 80's to actually reach the screen, but without an audience.
It has spawned a number of non-Lovecraftian video sequels.
"Possibly the most disturbing
of the Lovecraft adaptations (and not just because of Wil Wheton).
The Curse is gloriously low budget. It's grimy film quality and cheesy
effects only make the movie creepier. Based on the tale The Colour Out
of Space it concerns a strange meteorite that lands on some back woods
New England dirt farm and contaminates the family water supply. Soon Mom
is rotting in the attic and Dad's gone all homicidal. Chaos ensues. Enjoy!"
COMMENT: Joseph SMilie (peggygravel@hotmail.com),
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
I would rather go to the dentist
than watch this film again!
Unnamable |
1988. |
(KP Prods/Yankee Classic Pictures/Vidmark) 1988. 87 min.
Producer: Jean-Paul Ouellette, Dean Ramser;
Director / Script: Jean-Paul Ouellette; Music: David Bergeaud.
Cast: Mark Kinsey Stephenson (Randolph Carter),
Charles King (Howard Damon), Alexandra Durrell (Tanya Heller), Katrin Alexander
(the Creature), Laura Albert, Eben Ham, Blane Wheatley, Mark Parra, Delbert
Spain, Colin Cox
1688, Alyda Winthrop (Katrin Alexandre) is born, so ugly her father, Joshua
Winthrop (Delbert Spain) locks her away in the attic. She escapes and kills
him, but gets trapped in a vault, where she lingers for hundreds of years,
until some students from the Miskatonic University, including Randolph
Carter (Mark Kinsey Stephenson), let her out. BIG mistake.
Will the Necronomicon save the day or doom them all? The standard
gore-fest ensues, as she kills the students one by one, until Carter traps
her in tree roots.
Another low budget Lovecraft
adaptation released on video. Based loosely on a minor 1923 tale in which
college school kids explore the cursed house of an ancient sorcerer and
are killed off one by one by his monstrous offspring. Although it
probably owes more to the teenagers in jeopardy slasher cycle than HPL
there are references to the Miskatonic University and the Necronomicon,
plus a great Lovecraftian monster (played by Katrin Alexandre).
"A pretty good film with a few
too many titty jokes, but the classic Lovecraftian ending where someone
reading from a book saves the day. And the monster (which DOES TOO
have a name!) is incredibly cool."
"Based on H. P. Lovecraft --
actually taking inspiration from several stories. One nice little bit of
skin, moderate gore, low budget but good makeup for the monster. ·
· · I kinda liked it! Lighthearted in spots, faithful to
the Lovecraftian atmosphere. Mostly, it is just a formula piece about
being stuck in a haunted house with a monster. Good characters and
good action make it worthwhile." - Bruce V. Edwards, Bad Cinema Diary
"Writer-director Jean-Paul Ouellette,
an Orson Welles protege, produced this pretty decent little direct-to-video
shocker loosely based on H. P. Lovecraft's short-short story of the same
name. Mark Kinsey Stephenson and Charles King are Miskatonic College
students interested in "the unnamable." Their lesser-aware student brethren
are more interested in either scaring the two witless or getting some on
Friday night, and one of them scopes out the local haunted house for both
purposes, becoming the first of many meals for the thing that's lived there
since the seventeenth century. This is nothing you haven't seen before,
but it's pretty well done. Ouellette improved the mix on the much better-produced
sequel, which actually had something of a budget. The principals
are good in their roles, but the script is pretty thin even for this kind
of thing. Katrin Alexandre does an amazing job portraying the nasty
demon-thing in the house, even if it doesn't fully reveal itself until
the last gruesome ten minutes of the movie. It's got a good - if cheap
and repetitive - music score, and is nicely photographed. Hardly great,
and not as good as its own sequel, but worth watching if you like this
kind of thing." Thomas_Entertainment
Shadow Over Innsmouth |
Un-Produced. |
Rumor |
This Stuart Gordon epic
has variously been considered by Empire Pictures, Vestron Pictures, Full
Moon Entertainment and others. The scirpt is supposed to be sumptuous and
full-blown, the creatures (designed by ------) were stunning, and the budget
was beyond the ken of any distributor. Unfortunately, the failure of most
Lovecraft motion picture productions to recoup a fair profit for their
financiers has relegated Lovecraft to the low-budget filmmakers. Should
one of these break the traditional bounds of boxoffice, Shadow Over Innsmouth
might get made. |
Thing on the Doorstep |
Un-Produced. |
Rumor |
Yankee Classic Pictures
announced the production of an adaptation of the Lovecraft classic. Like
The Shadow Over Innsmouth, much was said and money was spent but the film
has yet to see the screen. A short promotional trailer was filmed. |
of Re-Animator |
1989. |
USA (Wildstreet Pictures/Medusa
/ Re-Animator II Productions, Inc.) 1989. 96 minutes
Also Known As:
Re-Animator 2 (1990) (UK)
Producer / Director: Brian Yuzna; Script: Rick
Fry, Woody Keith , Brian Yuzna; Music: Richard Band
Cast: Jeffrey Combs (Herbert West), Bruce Abbott
(Dan Cain), Claude Earl Jones (Lt. Leslie Chapman), Fabiana Udenio (Francesca
Danelli), David Gale (Doctor Carl Hill), Kathleen Kinmont (Gloria the bride),
Mel Stewart (Dr. Graves)
Herbert West and his reluctant sidekick, Dr. Cain, return for another funny,
gory round of bringing back the dead in bits and pieces. This time, West
cons Cain into an attempt to rebuild his late girlfriend, using her preserved
brain and body parts scrounged from the local hospital. What results is
a kind of sideways parody of "The Bride of Frankenstein." The police suspect
what they're up to. Dr. Hill's animated head earns its wings, and
with the aid of some zombies, destroys the laboratory. |
Twist |
1990 |
Director: Jim Wynorski; Producer: Alida Camp,
Roger Corman (Exec. Producer); Script: R. J. Robertson; Music: Chuck Cirino
Cast: Robert Vaughn (Lord Byron Orlock), Teri
Copley (Marissa Orlock), Steve Altman (Dexter Ward), Ace Mask (Victor Von
Angus Scrimm (Stefen), Steve Franken (Hans
Hoff), Monique Gabrielle (Patty/Patricia), Howard Morris (Marinas Orlock),
Jay Robinson (Uncle Ephram), Lenny Juliano (Maxie Fields), Frazer Smith
(Slick Lambert(, Becky LeBeau (Rita), Stu Nahan (Sports Announcer), Brinke
Stevens (Betty Lou)
A horror-comedy that gets more unintentional
laughs than intentional. A copy of the The Book of Ulthar
is stolen from the Arkham Library, and librarian “Dexter Ward” attempts
to retrieve it from a vampire, Lord Byron Orlock (Robert Vaughn).
SYNOPSIS: A librarian from Transylvania must
collect the fines on a 200 year overdue book, "The Book of all Evil." During
his trip to the castle, he meets Marissa, a gorgeous rock star and heir
to the castle's fortune. There they must confront the only other heir to
the fortune and the book, Uncle Byron; and Uncle Byron has a very, very,
very broad smile. - Concorde - New Horizons
La Setta |
1990 |
Also Known As:
Demons 4 (1990)
Devil's Daughter, The (1990) (USA)
Sect, The (1990) Runtime: Spain:116 / UK:112
Country: Italy Language: Italian Color: Color
Director: Michele Soavi; Producer; Dario Argento,
Mario Cecchi Gori, Vittorio Cecchi Gori; Script: Dario Argento, Gianni
Romoli (as Giovanni Romoli), Michele Soavi; Music: Pino Donaggio
Cast: Kelly Curtis (Miriam Kreisl), Herbert
Lom (Gran Vecchio), Mariangela Giordano (Kathryn) (as Maria Angela Giordan),
Michel Adatte (Franz), Carla Cassola (Dr. Pernath)
Italian re-tread of Rosemary’s Baby with some Lovecraftian references thrown
in for good measure.
SYNOPSIS: A spree of grisly murders is perpetrated
in Frankfurt by a group of Satan worshippers. A school teacher almost runs
over an old man with a box and takes him in. It's no accident that the
old man has come into her life, and it quickly becomes apparent that he
has plans for her, plans that involve a permanent future with the Satanic
cult. - Ed Sutton {esutton@mindspring.com}
Heritage: The Final Descendant |
.1990 |
USA, 1990, c-94
Director: David McCormick
Cast: David Hatcher, Mark LaCour, Eddie Moore,
Tim Verkaik. |
Following a violent thunderstorm,
mutilated bodies fill a normally peaceful Southern campground. Investigative
reporter Clint
Harrison wants to discover why. Local
legend tells of a terrible family secret within the Dansen clan.
Clint decides to spend the night in the abandoned Dansen mansion to uncover
the truth. An uncredited adaptation of "The Lurking Fear". |
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