Found in a box in the Miskatonic Library are a collection of notes believed to have been brought back from Antarctic trip of Professor William Dyer (1876-1978).  The vials of tissue samples that were enclosed in the box with the notes have gone missing as has two of the College of The Sciences cloning researchers.  If anyone has information about this, please contact Albert Wilmarth IV at the Miskatonic University Museum of Anthropology. 
Fragment Notes
Found monstrous barrel-shaped fossil of wholly unknown nature; probably vegetable unless overgrown specimen of unknown marine radiata. 

Tissue evidently preserved by mineral salts. 

Tough as leather, but astonishing flexibility retained in places. 

Marks of broken-off parts at ends and around sides. 

Six feet end to end, three and five-tenths feet central diameter, tapering one foot at each end. 

Like a barrel with five bulging ridges in place of staves. 

Lateral breakages, as of thinnish stalks, are at equator in middle of these ridges. 

In furrows between ridges are curious growths - combs or wings that fold up and spread out like fans. 

All greatly damaged but one, which gives almost seven-foot wing spread. 

Arrangements reminds one of certain monsters of primal myth, especially fabled Elder Things in Necronomicon.

Complete specimens have such uncanny resemblance to certain creatures of primal myth that suggestion of ancient existence outside antarctic becomes inevitable. 

Bryer and Pabodie have read Necronomicon and seen Clark Ashton Smith's nightmare paintings based on text, and will understand when I speak of Elder Things supposed to have created all earth life as jest or mistake. 

Students have always thought conception formed from morbid imaginative treatment of very ancient tropical radiata. 

Also like prehistoric folklore things Wilmarth has spoken of - Cthulhu cult appendages, etc.

Strange barrel growth is the Archaean thing that left prints on rocks. 
 "Objects are eight feet long all over. 

Six-foot, five-ridged barrel torso three and five-tenths feet central diameter, one foot end diameters. 

Dark gray, flexible, and infinitely tough. 

Cannot yet assign positively to animal or vegetable kingdom, but odds now favor animal. 

Probably represents incredibly advanced evolution of radiata without loss of certain primitive features. 

Echinoderm resemblances unmistakable despite local contradictory evidences.

Nothing like delicacy or accuracy was possible with instruments hardly able to cut the anomalous tissue, but the little that was achieved left us all awed and bewildered. 

Existing biology would have to be wholly revised, for this thing was no product of any cell growth science knows about. 

There had been scarcely any mineral replacement, and despite an age of perhaps forty million years the internal organs were wholly intact. 

The leathery, undeteriorative, and almost indestructible quality was an inherent attribute of the thing's form of organization, and pertained to some paleogean cycle of invertebrate evolution utterly beyond our powers of speculation. 

It looked like a radiate, but was clearly something more. 

It was partly vegetable, but had three-fourths of the essentials of animal structure. 

That it was marine in origin, its symmetrical contour and certain other attributes clearly indicated; yet one could not be exact as to the limit of its later adaptions. 


At top of torso blunt, bulbous neck of lighter gray, with gill-like suggestions, holds yellowish five-pointed starfish-shaped apparent head covered with three-inch wiry cilia of various prismatic colors.

Head thick and puffy, about two feet point to point, with three-inch flexible yellowish tubes projecting from each point.  Slit in exact center of top probably breathing aperture. 

At end of each tube is spherical expansion where yellowish membrane rolls back on handling to reveal glassy, red-irised globe, evidently an eye.
 Five slightly longer reddish tubes start from inner angles of starfish-shaped head and end in saclike swellings of same color which, upon pressure, open to bell-shaped orifices two inches maximum diameter and lined with sharp, white tooth-like projections
-probably mouths. 

All these tubes, cilia, and points of starfish head, found folded tightly down; tubes and points clinging to bulbous neck and torso. 

Flexibility surprising despite vast toughness.

Bulbous light-gray pseudoneck, without gill suggestions, holds greenish five-pointed starfish arrangement.

From inner angles of starfish arrangements project two-foot reddish tubes tapering from three inches diameter at base to one at tip. 

Orifices at tips. 

All these parts infinitely tough and leathery, but extremely flexible. 


Around equator, one at central apex of each of the five vertical, stave-like ridges are five systems of light gray flexible arms or tentacles found tightly folded to torso but expansible to maximum length of over three feet. 


Like arms of primitive crinoid. 

Single stalks three inches diameter branch after six inches into five sub-stalks, each of which branches after eight inches into small, tapering tentacles or tendrils, giving each stalk a total of twenty-five tentacles.

Four-foot arms with paddles undoubtedly used for locomotion of some sort, marine or otherwise. 

When moved, display suggestions of exaggerated muscularity. 

As found, all these projections tightly fold over pseudoneck and end of torso, corresponding to projections at other end.


At bottom of torso, rough but dissimilarly functioning counterparts of head arrangements exist. 
  Tough, muscular arms four feet long and tapering from seven inches diameter at base to about two and five-tenths at point. 

To each point is attached small end of a greenish five-veined membranous triangle eight inches long and six wide at farther end. 

This is the paddle, fin, or pseudofoot which has made prints in rocks from a thousand million to fifty or sixty million years ago.


In furrows between ridges are curious growths - combs or wings that fold up and spread out like fans. 

All greatly damaged but one, which gives almost seven-foot wing spread. 
 "Their wings seem to be membranous, stretched on frame work of glandular tubing.  Apparent minute orifices in frame tubing at wing tips. 

Seven-foot membranous wings of same color, found folded, spread out of furrows between ridges.  Wing framework tubular or glandular, of lighter gray, with orifices at wing tips. 

Spread wings have serrated edge. 

Wing structure puzzles in view of probable marine habitat, but may have use in water navigation. 

Symmetry is curiously vegetablelike, suggesting vegetable's essential up-and-down structure rather than animal's fore-and-aft structure. 

Fabulously early date of evolution, preceding even simplest Archaean protozoa hitherto known, baffles all conjecture as to origin.


It was not blood, but a thick, dark-green fluid apparently answering the same purpose. 

All guesses about its external members had been correct, and on the evidence of these one could hardly hesitate to call the thing animal; but internal inspection brought up so many vegetable evidences that Lake was left hopelessly at sea. 

It had digestion and circulation, and eliminated waste matter through the reddish tubes of its starfish-shaped base. 

Cursorily, one would say that its respiratory apparatus handled oxygen rather than carbon dioxide; and there were odd evidences of air-storage chambers and methods of shifting respiration from the external orifice to at least two other fully developed breathing
systems - gills and pores. 

Clearly, it was amphibian and probably adapted to long airless hibernation periods as wall. 

Vocal organs seemed present in connection with the main respiratory system. 

Articulate speech, in the sense of syllable utterances, seemed barely conceivable, but musical piping notes covered a wide range were highly probable. 

The muscular system was almost prematurely developed. 
 The nervous system was so complex and highly developed as to leave Lake aghast.  though excessively primitive and archaic in some respects, the thing had a set of ganglial centers and connectives arguing the very extremes of specialized development. 
Its five-lobed brain was surprisingly advanced, and there were signs of a sensory equipment, served in part through the wiry cilia of the head, involving factors alien to any other terrestrial organism. 

Probably it has more than five senses, so that its habits could not be predicted from any existing analogy. 

It must, Lake thought, have been a creature of keen sensitiveness and delicately differentiated functions in its primal world - much like the ants and bees of today. 

It reproduced like the vegetable cryptograms, especially the Pteridophyta, having spore cases at the tips of the wings and evidently developing from a thallus or prothallus.

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